Showing posts with label colours. Show all posts
Showing posts with label colours. Show all posts

26 October, 2023

autumn colours

 are proceeding slowly.  This photo is from Wednesday and is a tree in our neighbors yard.

10 April, 2023

05 October, 2018


taken last Sunday around 7:30pm.

to see other skies from around the globe, click HERE

31 July, 2018

two doors

two different colours.  The tanks in the road are emptied and used for advertising bottled gas which can be purchased in the store next to this building.  Also, maybe they want to keep those parking spaces free for someone.  Donegal Town is a pay and display town but I didn't see any machines on this side street.  The spire, visible on the right, is the one I showed last week that is being restored.

31 August, 2017

colour changes

two businesses in town got a totally new makeover with different colours

from orange

to red, I like the red version much better

Barron's decided it wanted stand out from its neighbors and be bold with the mustard look.  I don't like it but it does stand out..

12 August, 2016

buncrana flowers

It's been about a month since we were in Buncrana.  Walking down Main Street, the view was so colourful.  Flowers hanging everywhere displaying their beauty, it makes for a lovely scene.

This bench was off of Main Street but it has a lovely message.  ENJOY YOUR DAY!

15 July, 2016

colour everywhere

Around town you see flowers everywhere.  They're hanging on buildings, in yards, everywhere you look.  The next couple of days this is what you'll see, more flowers and more colour.  Enjoy!

On the way to the beach

Down by the shore walk.  A tree at the end is branching out on to the roof.

08 June, 2016

colour wars

Pepto Bismol vs French's mustard!  What an interesting colour combination to be side by side.  There are no winners!