Showing posts with label students. Show all posts
Showing posts with label students. Show all posts

04 December, 2018

school crossing

creating a safer area for the school kids to cross the street when arriving or leaving.  Parents drop off their kids on either side of the road depending on which way they are coming.

dropping the tar for the new footpath across from the school.

workers spreading the tar

looking good!

finishing the area right in front of the school

the new improved area in front of the school.  All that is left to do is create a crosswalk and install a light so students can safely cross the road.  Right now the students just cross the road when they have a chance.  This is a major road for lots of traffic including big trucks.  Better to be safe than sorry.

photos taken 01/12/18

01 September, 2018

CDP monthly theme - teach

St. Catherine's Vocational School, Killybegs.  It is a non-denominational, co-educational second level school. There are twenty six teaching staff, five Special Needs Assistants and three support staff. The student population is 330 and the male to female student ratio is approximately 50:50. St. Catherine’s Vocational School is one of sixteen second-level schools administered by the Donegal Education and Training Board. Programmes on offer include, Junior Certificate, Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme, Transition Year, Nursing Studies, eBusiness, Healthcare Support, Early Childhood Care FETAC Level 5 and FETAC Level 6 Early Childhood Care and Education.
Facilities: The original two-storey building opened in 1987. In 2011 a building extension with two classrooms, fitness suite, changing rooms and disability access was added. In 2014 the autism spectrum disorder centre was added to the front of the school providing first class facilities for students, teachers and members of the community alike. The School gymnasium and all weather synthetic playing pitch double as a community resource during the evenings and both have a full schedule of activities. The school, in addition to its normal daytime schedule, offers a full range of adult education classes and parenting programmes during the evening.

Info courtesy of  St. Catherine's  website

the view to the right of the entrance

the sculpture of light is on the left created by students

another view of the sculpture of light

the plaque with the names of the students who created the sculpture

linking to cdp theme day