where to begin? I havent updated because I have been having issues getting into blogger. I can read peoples blogs- including my own, but couldnt get into making a new post or editing or even commenting on anyones blog. frustrating.
so last Wed, we took the suburban in to be fixed. the check engine light has been on for awhile and we needed to have it looked at. the guy hooked it up to the fancy Chevy/GM whatever it is machine that tells them whats wrong with it.
so they figure out that some 5 and 6 thing are misfiring. ok then. well they said it probably needed new spark plugs and wires. ok, fix it then. so we had to bring it back in this morning to be fixed.
or not.
we dropped it off first thing in the morning. this means I have to follow Robert to the place because one of us needs to drive the other one back home. well, my car has been broken for months now and we just havent taken it in to see what the problem is with it. Roberts car is a stick shift which I cant really drive. I sort of know how, but not well enough to actually drive it anywhere. :p
so we go out there early this morning. drop off the truck and then I get dropped off back at home. no biggie.. the kids are out of school for the holidays and I dont need to go anywhere today so I dont have to have a car.
the car place calls Robert this afternoon- he calls me with the bad news.
the spark plugs didnt help the problem, so they took something apart on the engine and discovered its some valve thing that connects those #5&6 things. okee dokee. well they could put it all back together and we could drive it, but that could also break something else which would be much worse and cost twice as much and still have to get this part fixed too.
so we leave it there. we go in, get a rental car from them.
$1500 euro estimate on the truck. today thats $2174 dollars. OUCH!
we had a 20% coupon and we get the tax off of it.. although I dont know if that estimate is before or after the tax. I only hope and pray that the exchange rate gets better before we have to pay for it. and the only reason we even have money to pay for it is because we have money sitting aside to buy heating oil when we need it. which, thank goodness isnt right now.
yeah. so Im now driving this little car. so if the whole family needs to go somewhere we will have to take 2 cars. ugh. this also means no trips next week when Robert is off work. not that we would really have the money to do it now anyways.
ok.. other news.
Trace hasnt been feeling well all day. I gave him Motrin and he seemed better, then bad again. gave him more. feels better. goes to bed. its 1 am and he came in feeling bad again and hot. so I gave him Tylenol. we'll see how it goes but I hope hes doing better tomorrow and that this doesnt go through all 8 of us. :(
Roberts mom had surgery on her hand last week. she was in a car accident and broke it bad. has pins and a plate and stuff in there. so, she cant drive for a long time now (did you know its illegal to drive in Germany with a cast on??) well, we were going to go get her and bring her here for Christmas, but now she doesnt want us to. so we wont see her until our truck is fixed and we can all go to her for a day.
Travis has been considering joining the AF for a little while now. so he talked to a recruiter and he took the ASVAB test and he scored pretty good on it. he did one part of his physical already and goes to do the other part tomorrow. I guess Ive been in denial or just didnt think he would really do it or something. he is not the type that I would think would join.. Im not sure he could handle basic training.. anyways, the recruiter called tonight and told us that we need an officer to do the enlistment on WEDNESDAY! huh???? its a delayed enlistment so he wouldnt leave until spring.. but I had no idea we were looking at enlistment so soon! holy cow.
I know I had a lot more to talk about but now I cant remember what. maybe tomorrow Ill post another long rambling of things.
Stick a fork in me.. Im DONE