Friday, October 24, 2008

Always messing things up

Why is it that I cant seem to keep from putting my foot in my mouth?

I have a friend and I mentioned her to another friend that knew her from before and one thing leads to another and long story short.. now I just feel bad for mentioning the friend to begin with. :(

I cant even explain myself, because then that would really bring it all out in the open and then my whole leg would be in my mouth instead of just my foot. eeeek

other than that bit of mess up today.. lets see..

i sent in my absentee ballot thing today..and so did Travis- his first time voting! We finally got them in the mail and I just hope they arent to late getting back there.

and I went to a German store and picked up a couple items to help with my craft making for the craft fair in Nov. I have GOT to get busy with that stuff! Heck, I have got to get into the place and sign up for a space!

and I need to figure out Nov's projects for my classes so I can make sure I have all the stuff we need and if not, I can get an order placed in time.

really, all I want to do is lay down and take a long nap and forget about everything else for now.

Im just plain tired. of everything.

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