Showing posts with label Mayflower. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mayflower. Show all posts

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Ultimate Find

I am so excited to show you my thrift store find! I think this is my best score yet.
Holy smoke, Fostoria Mayflower.. can you believe it? $1.99 a glass. I walked up as a lady was putting 8 goblets in her cart.. but she left 4. Boy two minutes earlier and those babies would have been mine, all 12. 
But, not to worry.. this is what she left behind..
12 liquor glasses.. (I will use them as dessert) Wow stinkin' 12 of them!

As I was gathering them .. another lady comes up and snags all the sherbet glasses. Dang it! I always thought there was a rule of thumb not to reach over anyone.. but that went out the window this morning. Maybe I need to get more aggressive at this? 

So I looked them up on replacement and on eBay.. each of the smaller glasses will cost you around $12 and the larger are $30! I paid $32 for the whole thing.. I cannot believe my luck this morning. Of course I keep thinking if I had only been there a couple of minutes earlier.. The check out person told me I was number 7 that had checked out with a lot of these babies.. who ever owned them must have had 12 of everything that was produced.
Who would get rid of these? My daughter says someone probably cleaned out an attic and never opened the boxes.
Anyway, Fostoria Mayflower was  produced from1939-1955. The design is a basket of flowers and floating garland. I love them!
Thanks for stopping by.. Have blessed week.

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