I spend a lot of time writing So what can I do posts about physical health and mental health, but it is just as important to cultivate spiritual health.
For me the spiritual health piece is most important, since give me peace and purpose, and informs how I develop and maintain my physical and mental health. FamilyDoctor.org suggests:
Spirituality is the way you find meaning, hope, comfort and inner peace in your life. Many people find spirituality through religion. Some find it through music, art or a connection with nature. Others find it in their values and principles.
For me, spirituality and spiritual health comes through my personal relationship with God. Regardless of how you "find meaning, hope, comfort and inner peace in your life," make sure you do so. Be healthy, mind, body and soul.
As humans, we are all members of that first African Diaspora. And accordingly, the principles of Kwanzaa apply to us all. Manifest the Kwanzaa principles today, this week, and all year long.
What a way to start 2006! A blessed new year to you all!
"The future belongs to those who prepare for it today." - Malcolm X