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    Thursday, February 07, 2008
    Worse and Then Better
    For a little while today, I got to concentrate on baseball. Not for great reasons, mind you, but at least I was reminded that the season was close. I've already got three sets of tickets to Fenway (thank you six hours of virtual waiting room hell a few weeks ago), and yesterday I received an email letting me know that I had won the lottery for the opportunity to buy Opening Day or Yankees tickets at Fenway as well (what can I say, I'm just a lucky SOB).

    And then this evening, as I am heading out of the office, I see this. A window on the Lexington Side of Bloomingdales. It's like I ALMOST get past it, and then it just gets rubbed in my face all over again.

    But I will say that stopping to take this photo led to an entertaining story. A guy walked up to me and smiled and said, "Giants fan?". I explained that no actually, I was just trying to prove to people how hard it was to be a Patriots fans in NYC with stuff like this window around all the time.

    "Next you're going to tell me you're a Red Sox fan too!" he laughed.

    "Well, yeah, actually I am."

    He starts laughing that oh-get-a-load-of-this-girl laugh, and says "Ok, well, uh, Buckner!"




    "Yeah well," he trailed off. "Maybe the Giants will have reversed the New York curse."

    And that, that right there, was enough to send me heading down the subway steps with a smile on my face.

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    posted by FINY @ Thursday, February 07, 2008   6 comments
    Thursday, August 30, 2007
    A Sea of Pinstripes
    Ok, it's official. I'm starting to worry. I've been desperately holding on to the party line of "We've got the best record in baseball" but the Red Sox are starting to concern me.

    I know that even if we lose today, the Sox will still be five games up. But when the camera panned to a shot of Manny on the bench last night, during which he happened to sneeze, then grimace, then reach for his back? Let's just say you could actually hear everyone at Prof. Thom's thinking "Oh shit".

    I'm wondering if I am only so worried because of where I live. Is this easier to take in Boston? When not surrounded by Yankees fans trying to plant the seeds of doubt into your consciousness at every turn? Or are we all sort of looking over our shoulders and not sleeping well?

    Either way, I'm not enjoying this feeling.

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    posted by FINY @ Thursday, August 30, 2007   6 comments
    Wednesday, August 22, 2007
    Things That Are Fun
    ... When you get home from a night at the bar already knowing that the Sox won and turning on the YES network to see the Yankees losing to the Angels 18-5 while the announcers talk about how if so-and-so gets on in the 8th and has men in base he has the potential to break some sort of RBI record.

    I landed on YES too late to get the whole story, but it was still fun to hear. Cause after tonight it looks like we're going to be 6 games up and for some reason that feels a lot better than 5 games. Dunno why, but it does.

    This post brought to you by the wonderful bartender at Botanica, who makes a very stiff drink indeed. There really should be a breathalyzer on computers so you're not allowed to drunk-blog, email, etc.

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    posted by FINY @ Wednesday, August 22, 2007   2 comments
    Monday, August 20, 2007
    He's Still My Little Brother

    I still remember where I was when I found out that I had become the big sister to a little brother named Buddy (ok, that's not his real name but it's what I call him). I was sitting in the side yard of my grandparents' house in Pawtucket, RI debating with the other kids on the block whether I wanted my mom to have a boy or a girl.

    I may have been just 4 days shy of my 6th birthday, but I was still adamant. I wanted a little brother. The reasoning for this escapes me now, more than two decades later, but then, I was sure, absolutely sure.

    And for the first couple of years it was great. He was like a living doll. I'd dress him up in my Cabbage Patch Kid Clothes and stick him in a playpen with all of my stuffed animals until all you could see was his chubby little face.

    But then he learned how to get around. And more importantly, how to get into my stuff. That's when I turned to my mother and asked him if it was time for him to go back yet. And around the time I left him out of a family portrait I had to draw for school.

    The years that followed involved a lot of me being a really big bitch. All this little kid wanted in the world was to play with his big sister. He'd wait at the screen door for me to come home from school holding my Barbies out for me to play with (since that was ALL I would allow him to participate in). And for his devotion he received all of the Ken's without heads and the Barbies I had given hair cuts to. Oh and did I mention they were also without clothes? Not to mention that they lived in the next neighborhood over, so they could NEVER speak to my Barbies. That was completely against the rules.

    As I moved into my teens and began fighting with my parents, Buddy had finally reached the stage where a healthy sibling rivalry had formed. Any time I was fresh to my mother he'd run up to her, wrap his arms around her, and say "Mommy, I'd NEVER say that to you!" At which point I would promptly kick his ass. Like I said, I was kind of a bitch. But he was asking for it!

    But once I moved away to college things began to change. Six years is a pretty large age difference when you're young, but as the years pile up it suddenly seems to lessen. These days, he and I couldn't be closer, and I couldn't love the kid any more than I do. He's grown into an amazing man; smart, funny, kind of a jerk but in an endearing way.

    For his 21st birthday I wanted to do something big for him. So I did something competely uncharacteristic for me - I planned ahead. On a dreary day in March I spent 4 hours online and bought two tickets to this past Saturday's Red Sox game at Fenway. Buddy hadn't been there in somewhere around 10 years.

    With him leaving to go back to college tomorrow, I had to make sure that I warned him well in advance of his birthday that I had the tickets. Which meant I lost out on the "Oh my God" moment when he opened the present, but the look on his face as we walked up the walkway? The half-joking "Hey, hey Finy, you see that guy right there? That's David Ortiz. Right there. Like, in person." The goofy smile on his face? Totally made up for it. Nevermind the reaction when Big Papi hit the grand slam to take the lead. My God.

    There may now be a beard where dimples used to be. And he may be able to legally drink a beer now. He may even tower over me by at least 7 inches. But that day proved he still is, and always will be, my little brother.

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    posted by FINY @ Monday, August 20, 2007   6 comments
    Wednesday, August 15, 2007
    Emotional Reset
    Someone (TomO I think it was you) said at Eddypolusa this year that the annual event is sort of an emotional reset for him. As soon as the words left his mouth I thought: Yes! YES! That's exactly it.

    In years past that reset, that sense of calm has always stayed with me for months. Not so for 2007. Faced with a boss whom I've described at length before, I came back and was working weekends, was working on my days off, was driving myself insane. The anxiety I felt between the hours of 9 and 5 was following me home, constantly nipping at my heels.

    I was headed for a breakdown and I knew it.

    And then the weekend arrived. A weekend that promised the company of some of my guy friends, some baseball, and some beer. Saturday found us in the second row of dead center field at Camden Yards watching Beckett pitch a masterful game - the only one the Sox won in the series. Saturday night there was some Mexican food, many MANY beers, and a lot of entertaining conversation.

    After a hangover-curing greasy brunch, there was a surprise sailing trip. 4 guy friends, a cooler full of beer, and my first trip on a sail boat (yes I am the worst Rhode Islander ever). As we floated past the monuments, swam in the placid waters of the Potomac, and talked about absolutely nothing for hours on end, I felt further away from work than I had since my days on the St. Croix.

    But a 2am arrival time back in NYC and a morning that came far too fast brought Monday crashing down on my head. And then I did the smartest thing I've done in a long time.

    I called out sick.

    A lazy day of no work, sleep, some tv watching, and more sleep found me sitting in the office yesterday morning with a slight smile on my face as my boss called me insubordinate. For planning a happy hour. After hours. For a coworker who was leaving.

    I'd officially figured out how to emotionally reset myself. And damn did it feel good.

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    posted by FINY @ Wednesday, August 15, 2007   2 comments
    Tuesday, July 31, 2007
    Nothing Big
    My love of Tim Wakefield has been well documented throughout the course of this blog. A quick google search comes up with 38 separate references to him. So you all know by now that he's my favorite MLB player and not in that CFB "OMG he's so cute" way but in a I-really-respect-his-loyalty-to-the-team-and-work-horse-mentality-

    So you'll all know how absolutely flabbergasted I was last night to return home to find a small package with my name on it, a slightly belated birthday present from Cope. Now, when he was sending it I was given the "Don't worry, it's nothing big" speech. Lowering expectations? Maybe. But NOTHING would have prepared me for pulling this out of the box:

    Is it weird that I now want to take the day off from work just to stare at this thing?

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    posted by FINY @ Tuesday, July 31, 2007   3 comments
    Thursday, June 21, 2007
    Baseball Brain Dump
    Since the hangover I am currently suffering through is inhibiting my ability to write a coherent blog post I instead present you with a baseball brain dump.

    * So I'm currently reading Big Papi: My Story of Big Dreams and Big Hits by David Ortiz (with Tony Massarotti) and there are a few things to note. A) I have NEVER gotten as many looks on the subway as I have when I've read this book on the way to and from work. They range from amusement, confusion, disgust, and mutual affection. It's kind of fun to watch. B) Massarotti alternates between writing in his own voice and "ghost writing" in Papi's. Massarotti's chapters are fantastic. And I like hearing Papi's stories, but ... I think they went a little far in capturing Ortiz's "voice". Because the word "bro" can appear upwards of 8 times on a page. It's completely over the top and is incredibly distracting. There is a reason people don't write the way they speak.

    * Last night's game was just a whole lot of fun to watch. While a girlfriend and I were at the bar watching, we started talking about those seasons. You know those seasons where it just feels right. This is one of those seasons for us. I knew I had hit a turning point as a fan when I got word of the Schilling DL stint and I thought "Ok, that sucks but no big deal". I had (and have) complete faith in the rest of our rotation to hold it together. This happens five years ago and even with a ten game lead in the AL East and I'm packing it in for the season expecting the worst. I like this way better.

    * By now my love for all things Tim Wakefield has been well documented. But I also happen to have an affinity for the pitch he throws most often as well. And because of that I have been intermittently following the career of Sox prospect Charlie Zink. Zink's had an up and down career over the past couple years, but this week he threw a complete game for the Portland Sea Dogs with a 6H, 1R, 2BB, 4K line. He started out with Sarasota in 2002, is 27, and has bounced around every level of the Sox farm system, but he seems to have started getting some consistency. With my little brother heading back to the Portland area for school this August, I may try to get up there to catch a game either late in the season or early next spring. I'd love to see this kid pitch (ha, I just called him a kid - the guy's my age!).

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    posted by FINY @ Thursday, June 21, 2007   3 comments
    Tuesday, June 19, 2007
    You Take The Good With The Bad
    I once had a friend accuse me of caring more about 25 men I had never met more than I cared about my real-life friends.

    It was October of 2004, the Red Sox had just won the ALCS in dramatic fashion and were about to sweep the St. Louis Cardinals to win their first World Series in 86 years.

    But I didn't know that yet. What I knew was that we were scheduled to host a Halloween party in my apartment that, if the series made it that far, would fall on the same night as Game 7. And under no circumstances was I planning on being at the party if that proved true.

    In the end we all know it didn't get that far, and I was able to both watch my team celebrate in St. Louis AND attend my own party, but that comment from my friend stuck with me.

    Do non-sports fans simply not understand? In a way, it does feel like you know these guys. You read all the articles, you watch the games, by the end of the season you probably know more about them than you do about that girl who you called your best friend in third grade simply because she wore the same scrunchy you did.

    And not only that, but it bonds you to other people that you actually do get to meet in real life as well. Take last night. That game sucked. It just sucked. Schilling got knocked around and even two home runs from Coco, who had only hit one home run in the entire season leading up to the game, couldn't save the Sox.

    But as I stood in Professor Thom's watching the Sox implode, I began talking with a guy named Brian from the New York City Red Sox Meetup Group. As we were talking he sort of just stops for a second and says, "Finy?". Turns out Brian is an occasional commenter/regular reader (so he's one of the five of you!). Never would have met him if it wasn't for the Sox. Same holds true for quite a few of my good friends to be honest.

    Loving a sports team and loving your friends are not mutually exclusive. It just occasionally gets in the way of scheduling.

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    posted by FINY @ Tuesday, June 19, 2007   6 comments
    Monday, May 07, 2007
    An Exercise in Pictoral Excuses
    Yes, I have been absent over the last few weeks, months, etc. But really, I've got some pretty good excuses.

    First, I went to a Sox game at Yankee Stadium where I watched Dice-K pitch and the Sox win:

    And ate a lot of peanuts:

    After the game, I got way too wasted when the Twin showed up at Prof. Thom's after a 6 month absence. But he wasn't alone, he had the new-me with him. I held it together while at the bar, but the evening ended with me crying on the sidewalk in the Welshman's arms. Look for a post soon about the rules of post break-up behavior. I think The Twin needs a memo.

    So the next day I was hoping the Sox would cheer me up when I attended the second game in the series. That didn't happen, since they lost, but at least I got to watch Wakefield pitch.

    The third game in the series was watched at Thom's. Much beer was imbibed during the day. And into the night. 12 straight hours of drinking does not a good blogger make:

    After a few days break in which I recovered from said weekend, I went to a very swanky and very successful Alzheimer's Association Junior Committee gala:

    At which I was the PICTURE of decorum:

    Two days later I was at a Cinco De Mayo party in Boston:

    That didn't end until the sun was rising:

    Long story short? I'm such an ass that I am not even going to promise that I'll be blogging more now (even though I will, no really, I swear).

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    posted by FINY @ Monday, May 07, 2007   3 comments
    Tuesday, April 24, 2007
    Public Service Announcement
    Tickets to the Red Sox and Yankees series starting on Friday are not yet sold out.

    Or I guess, more accurately, they WERE sold out, but are no longer. I am assuming they released a chunk of seats recently, because I had tried multiple times to get tickets since they went on sale and no luck. But today on a whim I checked the site and lo and behold? I was soon the holder of four tickets. Two to Friday's game, two to Saturday's. Which at this point brings my projected total of games to 8 for the season.

    I love my life.

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    posted by FINY @ Tuesday, April 24, 2007   3 comments
    Monday, April 23, 2007
    I'll Take It
    After a weekend filled with good friends, great weather, and a Red Sox sweep of the Yankees, I travelled back to my apartment last night with the windows rolled down, looking out over the East River at the illuminated Statue of Liberty and the lower Manhattan skyline and thought - yeah it doesn't get much better than this.

    No, I don't think that the Yankees performance this weekend is an indicator of things to come. They've been decimated by injuries, and I fully expect this coming weekend's series in NY to be very different. But you know what? I'll take it for now.

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    posted by FINY @ Monday, April 23, 2007   0 comments
    Monday, March 12, 2007
    The Reason I Got Cable ...
    ... Ok, so there are many reasons I finally caved and signed up for cable. I could finally afford it. I'd worn all my dvds out. Netflix can only be your lone source of television for so long. But this? THIS? CLEARLY THE BEST REASON!

    What is it you ask? It's the fact that I am currently watching Tim Wakefield throw to Jason Giambi during a Spring Training game. And I'm not at the bar to do it. No, I am sitting on my bed, sporting my Papelbon t-shirt, waiting for my dinner to be ready.

    God this is great.

    Some notes on the game (and I am sure I will add to this as it continues):
    * Tim Wakefield will turn 41 this season. I could care less. Tim's always going to be my guy, as irrational as that may be. But the age thing wouldn't bother me regardless or my irrational love for the knucleball. It just doesn't take as much for Wake to throw as it would a fastball pitcher.
    * Ok, I was going to continue with that point, but terrible tag attempt by Mirabelli there. Top of the first, hit that gets past Youks but that Pedroia knocks down. His throw home was on line, but Mirabelli's tag was halfhearted and in the middle of the plate. Breathe deep, Finy. It's spring training. Middle first, it's 3-0 Yankees.
    * I really need to make it down to the City of Palms Park at some point in my life. The Welshman has gone down there three times, and I've been taunted every single time via text messages and picture texts. But to see it in photos and on television, it really does look like a fantastically relaxed way to watch some baseball.
    * So I've started reading this blog called Why Don't We Get Drunk and Blog, this guy is just hilarious. Why is this relevant to the game? He recently wrote a post about Carl Pavano's girlfriend, who just pitched a scoreless bottom of the first. Check out the picture. Her breasts defy gravity!
    * Wakefield gives up a lead-off tripple in the top of the second. So many extremely high numbers playing in this game. Apparently this kid's name is Basak. That lends itself to a nickname that is just too easy. But the Sox get out of the inning without allowing anyone to score. Still 3-0.
    *After Manny strikes out looking, I get my first actual look at JD Drew in a Sox uniform. He lines out to center but it was well hit. Still not used to thinking of him as a member of the team, but that's what spring training is for.
    * Oh God, even during Spring Training the Yes announcers suck. They're talking about the "dividing line" in CT that divides Red Sox Nation and Yankee territory. I want to punch them.
    * Oh dear lord, two batters later and they're still talking about the damn dividing line.
    * Ah, the first time I want to revoke someone's tickets for sitting behind the batter, talking on the cell phone, and waving at the camera. These people should be escorted from the park and never allowed to attend an MLB-related event ever again.
    * Mirabelli makes up for the lazy tag earlier by doubling into the left-field corner bringing in two runs (Crisp and Lowell). 3-2 Yankees. Bottom 2.

    * Is this getting boring for anyone yet? Probably. Fuck it, I don't care, I'm having fun.

    * Top third passes with the only real interesting thing being that Jason Giambi almost hit two homeruns. But instead just flied out. But I am going to admit something I probably shouldn't. Unless I see them pitching, or can see the numbers on their backs ... I can't really tell Matsuzaka and Okajima apart yet.
    * There are far too many Yankees fans in the park tonight. We were all just treated to a "Let's Go Yankees" "Let's Go Red Sox" back and forth chant. Hey Sox fans! Stop being so damn polite. Don't chant in time with them so that you're yelling when they're not. Drown them out damnit!! End of three, score still the same.
    * Bottom four, Rasner replaces Pavano. Yankees up 4-2 now. Hit to third base (no, I suck and didn't see who hit it. Lowell maybe, since Crisp came up next?). Seriously though, this third baseman's name is pronounced "Bay-sack". I'd feel bad for him if he wasn't a Yankee.
    * Donnelly in for the Sox now. He gets out of the top of five giving up a hit but no runs. Is anyone else worried about our pitching situation? Oh wait, everyone I know is. Nevermind.
    * Just googled why Pedroia wears number 64, a typically high number for a guy that is set up to be a starter this year. This is what I found from the Red Sox official site.
    Another thing that has made Pedroia good is the useful chip that he carries on his shoulder. He uses it for motivation and it has gotten him this far. Perhaps that's why he is keeping No. 64 -- a number typically used for September callups -- on his back for now.
    * Ok, I've officially run out of interesting things to say. And I am willing to bet that most of you don't think that any of that actually WAS interesting. So let's just leave it at ... I'm really excited to be watching baseball again. Go Sox.

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    posted by FINY @ Monday, March 12, 2007   4 comments
    Saturday, January 27, 2007
    Fenway Here I Come!!!
    Tickets for the 2007 Red Sox season went onsale today. After 4 hours and about 25 open windows, I scored myself 2 tickets to a game against the Angels in August and 2 tickets to a game against the Orioles in September.

    Add that to the 4 games The Welshman and I are planning on attending down in Baltimore, and hopefully at least one game at Yankee Stadium (if I can get them when they do on sale on Wednesday) and I'm looking at at least 6 or 7 Sox games this year. Almost all of which lands in August and September.

    I'm giddy right now just THINKING about baseball. Countdown to pitchers and catchers, T-minus 20 days.


    posted by FINY @ Saturday, January 27, 2007   7 comments
    Monday, January 22, 2007
    24 Days ...
    Well, I am still a little bit in mourning over the game last night. It hurt. But we deserved to lose playing like that. Watching the second half was just ... disheartening. Thankfully, I had many MANY friends at Prof. Thom's to share our misery (and more than a few beers). But damn ... just ... damn.

    So now it's time to turn our attention to baseball. Pitchers and catchers report to Spring Training in 24 days. Let's go Sox.

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    posted by FINY @ Monday, January 22, 2007   3 comments
    Thursday, December 28, 2006
    A Crazy Christmas Story
    It started out innocently enough. A good morning here and there. A how are you thrown in for effect. He was one of the things I loved about my neighborhood. Or really, he was the embodiment of what I loved about my neighborhood. Friendly, affable, not at all the stereotypical New York asshole.

    One day I walked by with my Sox hat on. He immediately made a comment.

    "Uh oh, a Sox fan in Brooklyn?" Upon seeing my defenses go up, he broke into the wide smile I had come to know and laughed about our shared hatred of the Yankees. It seems he was a Mets fan.

    Well me being me, that of course meant that from that point forward, Jose and I needed to talk sports every morning. I'd mention something I heard on Mike and Mike, he'd counter with something he'd read in the Post. This went on for months.

    And then, early this week, he stopped me. "I've got something for you, be sure to stop by tonight and pick it up." Befuddled, I smiled, said OK, and walked away. And then proceeded to forget to pick it up for three straight days.

    Not tonight though. No, tonight I was going to get whatever was coming to me. I assumed holiday card. MAYBE a small trinket. I mean, hell, Jose and I only exchange a few words a day, as I am juggling my purse, my cigarette, and my coffee on my way to the subway. Besides, he's not even the super of MY building. He's the super of a building on my street. What in the hell could he have for me to pick up other than some tiny "Happy Holidays" kind of thing?

    Oh, it was so much more than that. As I walked into the lobby of the building, the old man with the gold tooth who watches the door at night smiled and shook his head. "This has been waiting for you!" And out from behind the desk he brings a HUGE pink bag, filled with a large gift box. He proceeds to give me a big hug, wish me a happy new year, and send me on my way, nearly running to my apartment and laughing the whole way. What in the hell had Jose done?

    He'd bought me a Red Sox jersey.

    Yes, you read that right. A Red Sox jersey. The super. Of a building I don't even live in.

    Here's a picture of it. I've actually never seen a jersey like it. (picture taken off of an ebay posting ... it was all I could find).
    I've been laughing ever since. I mean, you can't make this shit up, right? I used to joke that men didn't buy me drinks in bars (they don't). This is WAY better. Barnard Boy better watch out, Jose seems to be gunning for his position! ;)

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    posted by FINY @ Thursday, December 28, 2006   4 comments
    Tuesday, December 12, 2006
    Brain Dump Part ... 23475
    Really isn't everything I post here a brain dump? I've used that title so many times I don't even know what number I'm on now. So on with the brain dump:

    * The interviews are going well. I had a second interview with one organization yesterday that included a writing test and providing them with writing samples (shockingly none of which I took from here). Today is the second interview for the position that I am REALLY excited about, so keep your fingers crossed for me.

    * An unexpected up-side to the interview process? I had to go out and buy a new suit. Now, spending all that money, not so much fun. But on the whole, I tend to hate shopping. Seriously, I hate it more than most things. But shopping for a suit? Holy hell is that fun! I'm serious, it's fantastic. There's something about putting on a really nice suit. You feel so polished, so accomplished, so ... professional. Sure I wouldn't want to wear one every day, but a night of trying various suits on was actually quite a bit of fun!

    * The holiday season is officially kicking my ass though. Between the interviews, the job hunt, trying to still be productive in my current position, the increase in social engagements because of the time of year, the shopping, the card writing ... I'm stretched a little thin. Ok, a lot thin. To the point that there's the possibility that I had a teensy weensy break down while in Maine with my family this weekend that carried over into my Monday. The Holiday Blues have taken themselves to a whole other level with me this year, and I attribute most of it to the stress of trying to look for a new job while in the middle of one of the most chaotic months of the year. I'm really looking forward to 2007 at this point.

    * Speaking of 2007, let's talk about what my 2007 Red Sox are going to look like. Oh wait, I really couldn't tell you. Are we going to get Matsusaka? Did I even spell that right? Do I even care? This offseason has really frustrated me. I mean, the offseason always does, I hate the rumors, the whispers, the hey-this-could-be-true shit. But this season it seems like the Red Sox, and really the MLB in general, are throwing money around like it's just paper with no value attached. What happened to the days of the Sox farm system being the top priority? Of homegrown talent? Of small-name deals instead of blockbuster salaries? The Sox are moving in a direction I am not entirely comfortable with, to be honest. I'm going to miss guys like Trot. And it'd be nice to have a shortstop stick around for more than a season. I guess we'll see how this all shakes out, but I'm not feeling totally confident in my hometown team.

    * I never told you about the second Ryan Adams show! Great set list, but holy hell was the audience annoying! To the point that he cut the show short because people kept yelling at him to play certain songs. Now, I understand that people do this from time to time, but not only was it constant, RA actually told them to stop doing it multiple times. It was bad enough that it even started pissing ME off and it's not even like I'm a huge Ryan Adams fan.

    Ok, I think that's it for now, hope you're all having a great Tuesday!

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    posted by FINY @ Tuesday, December 12, 2006   3 comments
    Tuesday, November 14, 2006
    Congratulations, Hanley
    I have to say, I am happy for the Marlin's shortstop, Hanley Ramirez, for winning the NL Rookie of the Year. But at the same time, I'm still a little sad we let him go.

    The Sox should find out today if they were the highest bidders in the race to talk to Daisuke Matsuzaka, a Japanese pitcher, supposedly the next big thing. Right now, I am just amused by the process in general. MLB teams had to submit closed bids just to be able to TALK to this guy. Just to talk to him about contract negotiations. If the winning team doesn't come to an agreement with him, or more accurately, with his agent Scott Boras, then he stays in Japan for one more year and becomes a free agent. Which is a scary prospect considering how much this guy could garner.

    I don't really know what to think about Matsuzaka. Everything I've read indicates he's just nasty. But he's pitched a LOT of innings. Since 1999 he's pitched less than 100 innings only once, and he's topped out at 240 (in 2001). If his arm can hold up and continue producing the way he is, I'll be the happiest Sox fan around. But the Sox have gotten burned by big time pitching deals in the past ... so let's say I'm skeptical. Then again, we don't even know if the Sox are allowed to speak with him yet, so who knows.

    In the meantime, I am going to go try to figure out how I can incorporate this blind bidding system into my everyday life ...

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    posted by FINY @ Tuesday, November 14, 2006   2 comments
    Tuesday, September 26, 2006
    Brain Dump
    Ok, it's been a crazy three days, and my head is spinning with stuff I want to mention, so a quick brain dump for you while I get an actual post together:

    * The weekend in DC was absolutely awesome. There will be an entire post devoted to it once I get all of my notes together (because yes, I am a dork, and I took notes. How else was I supposed to remember all the stories Papa told me?) Matty, you were right, I didn't get your comment until I returned home. It would have been so great to meet you in person. Next time I am down there I promise I'll be in touch. And the same should go for you if you're ever in the NYC area.

    * I know I haven't mentioned the Red Sox recently, but I have still been paying attention. But honestly, it hurts too much to talk about. Congrats to Papi though. At least there's something good that came out of the season.

    * The Notre Dame game on Saturday ... yeah, we had absolutely no right winning that game. It was clear from the beginning that the media had overhyped the Fighting Irish, but holy lord, they have looked absolutely horrendous. It was quite the comeback and a very exciting game to watch, but damn, that was ugly.

    * I made the mistake of forgetting to set my fantasy football line up before leaving for the weekend and got DESTROYED this week. I'm playing in a league with four of my guy friends from RI and one guy that one of them knows, so clearly I am trying to make sure I at least make a good showing as I'm the only girl in the league and this group tends towards the never-letting-you-live-something-down, so thankfully I am still in second with a 2-1-0 record, but still, I hope this isn't the beginning of a downward spiral.

    * Is anyone else completely hooked on Studio 60? Watched the second episode last night, and yup, I'm in. I knew I'd love it since it's Sorkin, and I adored the West Wing, but I was afraid I had it built up too big in my head. Not the case. I love it.

    * My job duties yesterday? Sit on a gold course for hours watching to see if anyone hit a hole in one, and then get dressed up to take people's money during a live auction all the while getting all the free food and drink that I wanted. Sometimes the non-profit world is awesome.

    * This is going to get it's own post too, but it should be noted that in the week since my parents and I (ok more my parents than me) caulked and steel-wooled every nook and cranny of my kitchen a week ago I've seen only five or six roaches and they've all been tiny and on the verge of death. I am clearly keeping up the fight with sprays, keeping everything spotless, etc. But it feels like I am finally winning. And the major up-side of that? I am almost completely set up in the apartment. And loving every second of living on my own.

    * This week is going to be crazy too, but damn if I'm not having a blast. Two weeks after The Twin walked out of my life, I feel better than I have in a LONG time. No more worrying about working him into my schedule. No more fears that I'm somehow annoying him. No more feeling like I constantly had to live up to some unknown standard. As selfish as it sounds I get to focus completely on me, and it's fantastic. Sure certain things still remind me of him - like the American flags I saw everywhere this weekend. Or the beads he bought me from Mardi Gras that I threw out last night as I unpacked my last box. But it doesn't hurt anymore. Now it's more of a "eh" feeling. Sure it's going to suck if I ever see him in the street with another girl, but only for a minute or two. Ok, maybe ten - days. But I'm getting there, I really and truly am.

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    posted by FINY @ Tuesday, September 26, 2006   7 comments
    Thursday, August 17, 2006
    Red Sox. Yankees. Beer. A Good Cause. Doesn't Get Much Better Than That!
    Well, as you can see under the "Organizations I Care About" Links, one of the causes I am tied to is the National Down Syndrome Society. And tomorrow, I get to combine that, with a Red Sox v. Yankees game and my favorite bar. Can't get much better than that now can it.

    For those of you who don't know about the organization, NDSS is committed to being the national leader in supporting and enhancing the quality of life and realizing the potential of all people with Down syndrome through education, research, and advocacy initiatives.

    So here's how you can help. Show up at the bar. Drink beer. Watch the Red Sox Game. Buy some raffle tickets. I know, I know, it's a tall order. Here are the details:

    WHEN: Friday, August 18th. We are building the fundraiser around the 8:05 RED SOX v. YANKEES game, but I would get there early, Prof. Thom's always gets packed for these games. Oh wait, I haven’t told you where yet …

    WHERE: Professor Thom's. Located on 2nd Avenue, between 13th and 14th Streets

    WHY: Because you were going to watch the Sox game anyway. Because you were going to be drinking that night anyway. Because you want to win one of the many great raffle prizes we'll be having. Because you support individuals with Down syndrome (hmmm, maybe I should have put that first). Because you support ME damnit!

    Anyway, it's sure to be a GREAT time, so I look forward to seeing some of you there.

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    posted by FINY @ Thursday, August 17, 2006   7 comments
    Thursday, August 10, 2006
    I know I haven't talked about the Sox much lately, and I know it may look to the casual observer that I'm not paying attention to my beloved team. That is not the case, a girl can just only write about so much stuff at once. So let me just say this about tonight's game.

    It's not Ok.

    Sitting at Shea Stadium tonight with The Twin, The Welshman, and a host of others for Alzheimer's Awareness Day at Shea, we watched the score of the Sox game on the scoreboard. And maybe I got too comfortable with it. It stayed at 4-3 for so long, I stopped looking. Even when I got home and called the Twin to let him know I had arrived safely, the game was still tied.

    And then, just now, I checked in. 5-4 Royals. The mother-fucking Royals. Game over.

    Not Ok.

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    posted by FINY @ Thursday, August 10, 2006   1 comments
    About Me

    Name: FINY
    Home: New York, New York, United States
    About Me: Just a New England girl trying to make it in NYC. Email me at: soxfaninnyc [at] gmail [dot] com
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