Showing posts with label Photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Photography. Show all posts


miss inga | 6 months

this little chunk of goodness is 6 months in 8 days
holy smokes we lo\ve her


Holy Cute.

For those of you who know my mom knows she is a beautiful person inside and out. She found this fabric and wanted to make all of the grandkids outfits for fourth of July but since everyone was dispersing for the summer, we snapped some pictures on Mother's Day.  We all love Grandma Kat and will cherish these pictures of her with her grandkids forever. 



When Caroline was about 2 months (she is 2.5 now) we got our pictures done by the amazing Bobbi Thomson.  We will cherish these forever and this special time of life with just the three of us. 

You know you want to.

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