Showing posts with label Suda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Suda. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


An older Ernie and Suda painting. It's somewhat unfinished but over time I realized I wasn't going to work on it anymore and am actually pretty satisfied with the shaggy edges. I need to remind myself to paint shaggier.
Acrylic on Canvas 9X12


Friday, October 24, 2008

Toybox - Page 1

This story was was painted long ago for a DC comics anthology called Fast Forward. The mandate for the stories was "Do whatever you want." I had this handful of characters rattling around in my head for a while and tried cobbling together a world for them to inhabit. Posting the first page today, then two pages a day until Halloween.
Pen and Ink on bristol with Gouache colors. Lettering by Lois Buhalis.


Saturday, May 17, 2008

Ernie Suda and Hellboy

This was painted just for fun but then sometime later was included in a Hellboy anthology comic called Weird Tales. Acrylic on canvas. I usually paint on board but canvas sometimes makes things seem more "paintery" and less "illustratey" if you'll excuse the technical jargon.


Friday, April 18, 2008

Wake 2 / Family Portrait

Two more pieces for the company auction. It's been on for an hour and the place is hopping. There are about 100 pieces. At six tonight the five or so hottest items go up for live bidding. I'll post again soon about how it turns out.


Wednesday, March 05, 2008

More Suda

Here's another. Both characters fairly different looking than the last post. I sort of liked trying the stylized background with the stretchy stars. Everything is angles and choppy strokes. These black trees turn up in my stuff from time to time. I'm not quite done with the black trees.


Wednesday, February 27, 2008


My favorite Suda painting so far. Washy acrylic over a barely there pencil sketch. Done a couple of years ago and made its way into one of the Spectrum annuals. I like doing this character though I sometimes have trouble capturing the version I have in my head. This one is as close as I get.


Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Miniature Painting

First painting of 2008. Small study for a bigger piece to be done someday -- soon,....this year.
Needs a title.


Tuesday, January 08, 2008

What the Hell?

I've got piles of this stuff. It's cascading out of my flat files and building up in geologic layers on my art table. I'll be posting some old conceptual burblings as well as whatever my most current time-sucking-after-hours pursuits happen to be.

I promise to add some links to the work of my inspiring colleagues and I'll pretty up that stock title bar one of these days.

Stay tuned.
