Hola de nuevo!!!
La noche del pasado viernes tuve el honor de ser invitada a una fiesta en uno de las mejores discotecas de la ciudad ISLAND CLUB (antes Etnias).
No podía llegar a tiempo a la fiesta, pero me pasé por allí más tarde, porque además ya frecuentaba ese sitio antes de transformarse.
Así que, en primer lugar muchísimas gracias a RAQUEL por haberme invitado y te prometo que iré a la siguiente sin falta ;)
Por otro lado quería enseñaros los outfit que llevamos mi hermana, mi chico y yo.
Sencillas pero chic; yo opté por unos leggins brillantes con una camiseta larga (que me recuerda a un camisón no sé por qué...)
Para darle el toque de color, no podían faltar mis sandalias nuevas de Blanco y los siempre utilizados por mi, pañuelos de Parfois, en este caso en rojo también. El bolso-clutch ya os lo había enseñado en el post del FASHION LUNCH.
Sacamos poquitas fotos porque además estaba cansadísima ese día. Espero que os haya gustado el outfit.
Esta semana intentaré actualizar el blog más a menudo... Además estoy con los preparativos de la sección "MAMÁS CON MUCHO ESTILO" que próximamente podréis ver aquí.
Hello again!!!
The last Friday night I had the honor of being invited to a party at one of the best nightclubs in the city ISLAND CLUB (formerly Etnias).
I couldn't being on time for the party, but I went through there later, because in addition I already frequented that place before transformation.
So, first of all thank you so much to RAQUEL for inviting me and I promise I'll go to the next without fail;)
On the other hand I wanted to show my sister, my boyfriend and my outfit.
I couldn't being on time for the party, but I went through there later, because in addition I already frequented that place before transformation.
So, first of all thank you so much to RAQUEL for inviting me and I promise I'll go to the next without fail;)
On the other hand I wanted to show my sister, my boyfriend and my outfit.
Simple but chic, I opted for a bright leggings with a long shirt (that reminds me a nightshirt and I don't know why ...)
To give a touch of color, could not miss my new Blanco red sandals and the always used by me, Parfois tissues, in this case in red too. I've already shown you the handbag clutch in the FASHION LUNCH post.
To give a touch of color, could not miss my new Blanco red sandals and the always used by me, Parfois tissues, in this case in red too. I've already shown you the handbag clutch in the FASHION LUNCH post.
We took a few pictures because I was very tired that day. I hope you liked the outfit.
This week I will try to update the blog more often ... I am also doing the preparations forthe "MOMS WITH MUCH STYLE" that you will see here soon.
This week I will try to update the blog more often ... I am also doing the preparations forthe "MOMS WITH MUCH STYLE" that you will see here soon.