Showing posts with label holidays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label holidays. Show all posts

Monday, May 26, 2014

Memorial Day - sending our love

We are so thankful for the men and women who fight for our country and on this Memorial Day in America, we remember those whose lives were lost during their service. In honor of this day, some of our design team have created some cards as a way to say THANK YOU!

Melissa Cochran ~ Crazypaperfreak

Cynthia Richards ~ Ink a Doodle Creations

Darcy Johnson ~ Dj's Stampin' Place

Thanks for stopping by today for your daily SSInkspiration! Don't forget to check out our Facebook and Pinterest pages for even MORE Inkspiration!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Holiday Planning: This and That

Hello everyone!!! I'm Jenn Campbell, here to help INKspire a little organization into your life this holiday season!
My newest favorite product line from Stampin' Up! is Season of Style!!!

One of my favorite items in this line is the This and That Holiday Planner!  I am so excited to get to use it this Holiday Season!
Here is mine...
It's all decorated and ready to keep me organized!

 Decorating the cover is always one of my favorite parts!!!
I added these photo mats to add pictures throughout the holiday season!

I love the cute little pockets and envelopes that come with the book!
 Can't wait to use this calendar to keep myself organized this holiday season!
Here is an area where I can keep a list of who I send cards too and receive cards from.

 Area of decorating ideas from Pinterest!
 Ideas for gifts... keep a gift list with receipts in this bag!
 More Pinterest inspired areas for entertaining!
I absolutely LOVE all the coordinating products:

I love this amazing product line (if you couldn't already tell)!!!
It is my favorite from the Holiday catalog!
Have you ordered yours yet?

Thanks for stopping by!!!

Thanks for stopping by today for your daily SSInkspiration! Don't forget to check out our Facebook and Pinterest pages for even MORE Inkspiration!