Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Yeah!!! The finale is tonight and I couldn't be more excited. Actually I'm a little confused the finale might actually be next week. The way they left it last episode was a little confusing. Rami and Chris will both make a 12 piece collection and the judges will review each and decide who will get to actually show at bryant park for fashion week. I'm not sure if this is all the episode will be or if it will be the actual runway show. Either way.... I'm thrilled. Rami is this tall goregeous man from isreal who's esthetic is very sophisticated and very wearable... his downside, he is predictable and a little boring. Chris is so opposite, not just in appearance. His portfolio is full of huge, loud, almost float like creations, mostly worn by drag queens. Should be good right?
The two for sure finalist are Jillian and Christian. Can I just say......
GO JILLIAN! I have just loved her since the beginning. She always comes up with innovative but not too out there designs. This is one of her creations. The challenge was to reinvent out of date trends. She had overalls and 70's flare.

And although I think Christian will win (the guy is talented) I really hope he doesn't. I just can't stand the guy. He is arrogant and rude and obnoxious and just soooo annoying. I went to hair school, gay guys are great fun but this guy is a charicature of one. He speaks like he's been hanging out with Paris Hilton and Lindsey Lohan and if the guy says "fierce" one more time.... well. like I would do anything but I could take him, my 10 year old niece could take him. Oooo I'm ranting, I really don't mean to rant.

Monday, February 25, 2008

My Boys got matching haircuts this week. Steve was complaining that he just had too much hair to deal with and needed something easy. I would like to see him live a day in the life of a female but sure. I really like him with a buzz cut, surprisingly I really like sam's too. He was bald for so loooong I was worried but he just looks like such a little boy. Steve is sick this week. He's got strep throat and I am just praying that it stays with him. he is so miserable. This winter has been so brutal as far as sickness goes. A little sunshine Please! Sam said today, "Mom, what does contagious mean?"

Friday, February 22, 2008

days of our lives

Really no subject at the moment, I just felt like writing a bit. Our lives have'nt been entirely uneventful but really, the events have been of little signifigance. I have been working pretty long hours. I have stopped double booking myself. (working on two people at once) not entirely but I have found it's just too much for me to not ever have a break to sit down. The result has turned into longer days so I'm not really sure which is better. Thanks goodness for part-time and also that I love my job. Yesterday I worked from 11--11. My last appointment of the day I knew would take me a while. I took a girls hair from darkest brown to a believable blonde. It turned out beautiful and was really fun to create. I have been telling Steve that I want a new digital camera then I can take our old one to work so I can do before and afters. (it takes me alot of convincing for any realativley big purchase.)
Steve has started playing on the ward basketball team (Yeah for Mr. Introvert!!) The team could really use a set of young legs. School is going well for him. This semester is a little less challenging. He is able to get in more of his "leisure" reading. Namely, "Blood and Oil", "The Isreal Lobby", "Perfectly Legal", "Who are We?", "Takeover", "Chomsky on Anararchism", "Jefferson", "Blackwater"..... shall I go on? One or two books just does not quench this boy's curiosity. We had a nice Valentines day. I was really ill with a bad cold (much better now thanks) so we just stayed home and got take-out and watched a movie. Steve took over all my "Sam" duties for the day which was a fabulous present. I got him some frosted sugar cookies from a bakery which really could not say "I love You" more in Steve's mind. He get's so embarassed by anything remotley resembling cheesiness So I thought I would hide a little loviness in the midst of a novel entry so it's not so conspicuous. I just love this man so much. We have been together so long and know eachother so well and have seen eachother through so much and it just makes me love him all the more. I love his humor and whit and for the most part, even his sarcasm. I love being married to a person that I would rather be with more than anyone else, and to whom I really never grow tired of. I'm so thankful for our temple marriage and thankful and amazed at our growing family. I have grown as a person throughout our marriage and know way more about politics and and sports then I ever cared to know but really, I love our conversations. Just love you so much Stevie!
Just a bit about Samuel. He is in a little clingy wave at the moment. His most reapeated phrase right now is, "Don't go to work Mama, Just stay with me forever!" Talk about break your heart. He has been such a snuggle bug too, He loves to sit on my lap and watch American Idol with me. "He's a bad singer Mom!" He has also been so generous with sweet little compliments. "You're hair looks Beautiful, "You have Beautiful arms!", Your bed is Beautiful Mama!" The other day I was giving him a bath and I cleaned his ears out after. He asked me why he had dirt in his ears and I said that it was actually called ear wax and that everyone has it. He thought about this for a moment and went into question mode. "Does Grandma have ear wax?" yes "Does Jackson have ear wax?" Yes, "Does President Hinckley have ear wax" yes. "Does Jesus have ear wax" Well...??? I suppose he'll ask me next if Adam had a belly button. There, I'M DONE! Sorry for my long windedness.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

We Went to the BYU game tonight GO COUGARS! The game was alot of fun and SamGot super into it . I was dissapointed because my camera died after one picture but hey at least I got one of Sammy making a goofy smile face. The Cougs did awesome and clinched the conference title. It is so much more fun to watch when we win. Sam and his Bear. He has loved that thing since he was 10 months old, it is starting to be less important but I think he will sleep with it till he goes to college.

Preggo me at 24 weeks well 25 I guess. She about as big as an ear of corn and as busy as a 2 year old. I'm afraid I won;t have another mellow baby, this girl is a wiggle worm.

I got together with some highchool friends last night. it's hard to get together as often as we would like and whenever we do it's always so fun and we make an oath to do it more. Oh and we all make really cute babies. It was fun to See Brynn, Annie, and Skip's little boys.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

a little laugh

Sam asks me soooo many questions it's really exhasting sometimes. Tonight as I was putting him to bed, I was reading Dumbo. I kind of dread this one because of the lack of pictures to words ratio. He wants to know what everything is. The pictures seem to help that. It took me about 20 minutes to get through the book with all the "What's a this, Where is that?" At the end of the book and after another virtually unanswerable question I turned it onto him and said, "Why do you ask so many questions?" To which Sam replied saying "What's a question?"

Friday, February 8, 2008

New car and day trip

We have had a good week comparitivley. I am feeling MUCH better. 100% in fact. I had a Dr. Appointment today and everythings all good. On top of feeling good we finally got a new car! Yahoo! Ours has been on the fritz since the end of summer and we just decided to drive it til the end. It would just be more than the car is worth to fix it. We have been without a car and at the mercy of kindly family members for about a month now and we finally got one yesterday. I really didn't think it was possible but somehow we ended up with a great car with super low miles. We went through Steve's old Scout Master and he really gave us a deal. We got a Mittsubishi Galant and traded in our broken Subaru and actually ended up with a lower monthly payment combining the two loans. Talk about best case scenario! Plus They came and towed our car away for us. Tyacke motors in Provo is really fantastic. I will post a picture soon of the new car. I really like it. It's always nice to get something new. (at least to us)

We celebrated the new car by driving to Salt Lake. (something we haven't done in months.) We first rode the TRAX. Sam was ecstatic to be on a train. Then we went to the Myan for dinner. It has changed alot since the last time I was there. The show was actually kind of cool. Sam loved it. He couldn't get enough of the divers.

You think they are realted or something?
they both LOVE to have their picture taken.

Sam at the TRAX station.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Sob story

This week has been... I wouldn't even say busy but, eventful.(beware I'm going to talk about pee alot) I had my first ever trip to the Emergency room, I wouldn't reccomend it. It all started last Saturday, I woke up with A nice Bladder infection (somewhat common place for pregnant me) I knew the symptoms so I just asked to have an antibiotic called in. I Started taking that and about 3 in the moring on monday, I started to have some pretty good back/kidney pain and the UTI syptoms were more intense... The antibiotic was obviously not working, so I went into the doctors office, took a urine test.... it came back fine. They looked over my symptoms and had me go get an ultra-sound to check for kidney stones. Well after an hour of a student scanner jabbing the little wand thingy into my ribs, the results were inconclusive, But I had a whole lot of UTI symptoms and pain with no diognosis. They decided to put me on a stronger antibiotic anyway. I took that faithfully, With some improvment over the next few days, but by Wednesday I had to pee every other minute with all the lovliness of a bladder infection to go with it. Thursday I worked about a 9 hour day and I made it through, luckily, but as I was sweeping up the last pile of hair, I was just hit with with the most intense pain I have ever felt in my life(yes, including labor pains) it was in my kidney, not to metion feeling like my bladder was going to self destruct at any moment. YUCK! Steve drove me to the emergency room where I waited in agony for about 3 and a half hours before I got a shot of morphine. They sent me home with a diognosis of a horrible bladder infection and kidney infection, a mild version of nephritis and a kidney stone. Oh yeah and now I have an IV line stuck in my arm for 7 days and have to have IV therapy to kick the infection. I'm feeling actually quite well now. I thought about taking a picture of my IV but thought it might not go over for the weak stomached, It's a little gross. I'm just really glad to have a diognosis and that everything baby realated is just fine. It has just been so random. I have been so blessed with my health, I have never even had stitches. There is nothing lasting here, it just felt a little weird being the patient. So, sorry for the Novel, just thought I would relay the whole story, I have a doctor apt. on friday, so I hope everything checks out fine. I'm so glad to be feeling better.