She is growing like babies tend to do. She can roll both ways and is having fun with her toes. She is CONSTANTLY wiggling. The other day she was lying n her back and kicking her legs and waving her arms so hard, Sam runs to me and says, "Mom, Sophie's helping me fight the bad guys!" They already love eachother. It's so fun to see. She is intrigued just watching him play and he takes any chance he can get to share his toys with her. He loves to hold her if only for a little while. She had her check-up tomorrow so I will have to post her stats later. Sam is very concerned about her getting shots... I do think he is just happy to not have them himself
Sams trains have made a recent comback. They seemed to have been overshadowed by super heroes. I love that kid like crazy! He is just so hillarious and sweet. We wen to the PG, Timpanogas Football game the other day. Steve had Sam convinced to be a T-wolf and he had fun talking trash all day that they were going to beat the vikings. By the time we were about to go to the game he was beside himself that we werent all on the same team....(vikings won by the way)