Monday, July 29, 2013


I have spent the better part of this evening looking at old blog posts and smiling at old memories that would be gone forever had I not taken the time to record the day-to day. it's amazing how everyday occurrences, can turn into small treasures. I have not done a good job in the last year or so at posting these little moments and I feel like it really needs to happen.

        Today was the end of a 5 week frenzy. My sister Laurie was in town with her children for 5 weeks. She is a brave soul with much more innate patience than me. We had so much fun and wore our littles to a cousin soaked frazzle. She has exactly one week to adjust her kids back to a regular schedule so they can actually function when school starts. We have a little bit more time of summer, thank goodness. I'm not ready to go back to the grind of school and i really enjoy having my kids home.

       Sam is playing basketball just about everyday at the church gym and he is becoming really good. He is developing a really  great sense of humor. The other day we were all shooting at the gym. Sam got a rebound for Steve and instead of passing him the ball, he yelled, "suicide time! go and get it!" then he chucked the ball as far down the court he could. He has been also spending a lot of time playing video games. yep, I never thought I would allow it but somehow the video game monster has invaded my house. Steve and Sam are always working on their building up their football team on Madden. It's a whole language and world that I have no part of and I'm really okay with that. His teasing gene has kicked in. being one of 6 younger sisters of a brother, who teased relentlessly, I kept wondering when it would kick in. Boo does not let him get away with much. She is a feisty one. The fighting has been driving me a bit nutzo. Our family rule has always been the Golden rule. we were driving the other day and Sam was tickling Sophie and she was whining and crying for him to stop. When I implored him to knock it off, He told me he was just following the family rule because he, "likes to be tickled"

      Sophie is recovered from her bout of pneumonia and is getting ready for Kindergarten. Our next door neighbor is a preschool teacher and has allowed Sophie to go to all of her summer sessions for free. She is such a sweet lady.  Sophie told that she has a crush on a boy named Isaac. When I asked her if he was nice, she said yes, and then wanted to tell me a secret. She whispered to me, "I think he is hot" I did NOT like the sound of that coming from my 5 year old. When i asked her where she learned it she said "despicable me 2" awesome. Tonight, She was helping me make cookies but decided she wanted to try cook up something of her own. She got out a bowl and started mixing together the most random ingredients. Her concoction consisted of, Water, sugar, peanut butter, honey, crushed up pringles and cereal, fruit snacks, salsa, ketchup, and a LOT  of Mrs. Dash. it smelled... pungent. Sophie thought it was the funniest thing ever as she went around the house begging people to try it. Of course no one would take her up on it. Sophie has always been my adventurous eater. She decided she was going to taste her creation. She has milk standing by, so she could quickly rid her mouth of the flavor. She took a spoon full and said, "it's actually quite good." then she proceeded to chug her milk down.

     Miles is 18 months and pretty much everybody's favorite person in the house. He doesn't say much yet but he has very strong opinions and weird obsessions. He adores the vacuum. They are best friends. He loves pickles. And if you ever ask him if he is hungry he says, "ampppp...ampppp." which means "i want a pickle".  This kid does not play with toys except a ball. He mostly just wanders around whatever room I happen to be in and destroys things and searches for anything that looks neat/dangerous. He looooves scissors, like, adores them. There is a cupboard in the kitchen that's up high and he knows that's where i keep my scissors. at least 6 times a day he will point and whine, and say, "scizzzuhzzzzuhzzzuhzzzuhzzuhz" He knows he can't have them but he just wants you to pick him up and let him look at them. I'm not sure what to make of it. I guess Sammo's garbage can obsession never amounted to anything but Maybe he will become a hairstylist :) He has begun to climb things which has forced me to be more vigilant to keep him alive from day to day. He is starting to be mistaken for a girl because of his beautiful curls. there is not one part of me that cares. His curls are staying. His words so far are. light, dad, bah (ball, bottle) hot, hurt, pa. He says a lot of things that aren't the correct words, but I know what he means because I'm  his mama. Although, I wish he would say "mama"

       That's all, I blogged! not pictures but there is my record keeping and memory making for the week. i can do once a week right?
ps, I turn 30 on Saturday. It's weird but I really don't feel younger than 30. I feel like an lady sometimes.