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Jul 25, 2014

A Fond Farewell - Wishing You Everything Happy

My friends, I'm here with some news to share with you all.  For the last several years, I've been blessed beyond belief to work for My Favorite Things.  First as a designer and then behind the scenes, creating video, providing support to some of our wholesale accounts, and teaching at retreats and tradeshows.  It's been an honor and a pleasure.  I've had so many fabulous opportunities, and made some life-long friends. 

Along the way, it's been amazing to watch My Favorite Things grow and flourish.  I remember getting a call from Kim and working on the release of MFT Die-namics.  I recall the meeting where we first discussed the idea for what you all know as the Blueprints.

I'm writing you all to let you know that I've recently accepted a new position.  I'm going back to my roots in technology marketing and jumping into a this new opportunity full force.  Over the last six months or so, my husband's work travel has picked up enormously and I need to be able to juggle a new job, and these two busy boys.  As such in addition to resigning my position behind the scenes, I'm also going to hang my paper cutter and adhesive gun up on the shelf for a little bit.  I just need to give myself the time to get up to speed at work, and enjoy these two boys while they still want to hang out with Mom.  Let me just say, I know these minutes won't last.

So today, I'm wishing all of YOU everything HAPPY.   

For my farewell card, I'm using the new Happy Die-namics paired with the Square Grid Cover-Up Die-namics.  I used the Grid to die-cut a piece of cardstock stamped with the Diagonal Stripes Background which were assembled into a fun quilted/chevron pattern. 

For those of you that I've met in person, or virtually at Release Parties, thank YOU for all the loving comments, the never ending support and the laughs.  I'll miss each of you.  I hope to be back now and again with a card just-for-fun.  (In fact, I have a Dare to Get Dirty sample for you in the next two weeks - be sure to check SCS for all the details on Dare to Get Dirty it's a BLAST!)

PS - For those of you that have asked, my sweet and loveable, though sometimes mischievous four legged friend Dart is doing just great, 100% healed and busy as ever. He recently enjoyed his first trip to the beach and he just LOVED it!

Thanks my sweet crafty friends and wishing you all the very best.


22 Comments    Post a Comment:

Nancy Thomas said...

Will definitely miss you Joanne - good luck with the new job. I hope to see you back to paper crafting when things settle down for you.

Kristie W. said...

Wishing you all the best in your new job, Joanne! Will miss seeing your MFT creations!

Tricia said...

Jo, I wish you everything wonderful in your new job!! I'm so proud of you for making what I know must have been a tough decision. I'll be watching for some of those "just for fun" cards!

Happy everything!


Christina Fischer said...

Wow, girlie! I know this must have been a tough decision, but I definitely know that you have to do what's best for you and your family. MFT and papercrafting will not be the same without you. MFT brought us together, and for that I am eternally grateful! I'm wishing you everything happy, with your family and this new chapter in your life. Big hugs!

Alina said...

Hi Joanne, I've been a follower for quite a while, so I will miss you for sure and your projects as well! But good luck with your new job, I wish you everything happy too!!!!!!!!!
Beautiful card, by the way and lovely photo of Dart!!!!!!


Katie Skiff said...

Best of luck on your new chapter In life. Will miss your creations but I fully understand.

Tracey said...

I just saw this news on the MFT blog. So sad for all of us! I will definitely miss your incredibly projects!! That being said, I wish you all the best in your new position! :)

Leslie said...

Joanne, what a difficult decision this must have been for you! I remember when Karen Motz started on the MFT design team and I came to visit her and met you and you were so lovely and gracious and let me take a video of how to tie those GORG "JoanneB" bows and gave me a couple of your cards...I STILL have them in my stamp room! I appreciate you sharing your love of stamping and MFT with us. I will miss your creations but understand that family and life come first. Enjoy your family and your new job! Hugs....Leslie

Linda McClain said...

JoAnne, I'm so glad MFT brought us together if only briefly. Congratulations on all the wonderful things going on in your life. Enjoy all the fabulous adventures ahead. xxoo

Gabby said...

Hi Joanne! I found out you were leaving via Kim's nice tribute on the MFT blog. I left a comment there but let me again say here, how much I will miss your projects and awesome videos. Many thanks for all you have done to inspire me. I wish you the BEST of LUCK in your new position and loads of love and happy times spent with your boys. Huggles, Gabby :D

Judith said...

It's never easy to say Goodbye...
Wishing you all of the best, enjoy being with your boys and thank you for your inspirational cards!
Good luck, Joanne!

Sarah said...

Saw the post on MFT today and had to stop by. I'm sad and excited, as I'm certain so are you! You're making the right choice to prioritize your boys. There was a time when there weren't enough hours in the day and I too laid asides my paper crafting ways. I found my way back as I count the days until you do too! Girl you know once a crafter always a crafter. ;)
Prayers for blessings & comfort during your transition!!!
Sarah :)

Lisa H. said...

wow! First of all Congrats on your new job and this next adventure in your life. Wishing you all the best. BUT.....I'm sad. I hope you will come back to paper crafting, cuz I will miss your posts and creations. You have been one of my LONG TIME stamping idols. YES! Idols! You will be missed. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to work with you when I was with MFT. I am sure this was a hard decision, but you can never go wrong doing what is right for you and your family. Much love, dear friend.

Larissa Heskett said...

OMG OMG OMG!! You will be MISSED forsure, but I know you already know that!! =) I have LOVED seeing your AMAMZING Projects each Release and your Videos were ALWAYS Great!! =) I wish you ALL the Best in your New Job and I know that your boys will WNJOY having you around more!! THANKS for sharing and I look forward to your Creative Creations when time permits for you to get your CRAFT ON!! Have a FABULOUS WEEK!! =)

Tina Holman said...

All the best as you head out in your new direction, you will be missed. Thank you for your blog and for the great work you have shared, much appreciated. So glad to hear Dart is doing so well, really appreciate the update. Many blessings, and thank you.

JoAnn said...

Hi Joanne. Best of luck to you on your new endeavor, and also that you will be spending more time with your little ones. Will miss seeing your beautiful creations for MFT. Hope you will have time to just create for fun.
Your card today is gorgeous.

Angel said...

I certainly wish you ALL the BEST! But I will say I'll miss seeing your work here. :( You've been a big inspiration to me for YEARS! Hugs!!!

zehra said...

you will be truly missed, I love coming to your blog and receiving inspiration for cards. I love your work, I will look forward to the occasional times you can make a card.
Wish you luck in your future endeavors. Enjoy your kids, the time truly flies.

Debbie Carriere said...

Wow!!!! Congrats on your new job, Jo! I just saw this. MFT will definitely miss you and I will miss seeing your gorgeous creations! It was so nice to spend time with you last year. ((Hugs))

Kim Forsyth said...

Congratulations on your new endeavor! I will miss seeing your creations but you must follow your heart... Such wonderful news about Dart. I wish you every success :0)

Michele Lourenco said...

Hi Joanne!
So I'm a little bit behind in reading my blog feed and just came across this! Big hugs and good luck. This must have been difficult for you but Having little ones myself I completely understand!
Wishing you the best!

Kim O'Connell said...

HEY! I JUST read this. I sort of had a crafty melt down mid summer and lost my love of stamping for a bit so I missed this. Best of luck with your new job and enjoy motherhood to your two boys and Dart. Happy New Year!


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