Monday 30 June 2008

Been to the hospital

When the boys were out playing yesterday evening Jake came home complaining he had jumped off a wall and hurt his foot well Jake being Jake he does have the tendancy to over react more than just a little we told him hed just bumbed it as it didnt look swollen or black and if he walked om it it would be fine so he got up this morning and walked to and from school he called me lunch time to ask if his friend could come home and i said fine and i asked how his foot was and he said much better.

Well when he came home he was complaining again so i said id take him to casualty (er) to see what they said i thought it was going to be a waste of time but when we got there he was seen eventualy and the dr said she wanted him xrayed so he hobbled over to the xray dept and then back to casualty and turns out he has broken a few small bones on the out side of his left foot even though he had been walking on it so now he is up to his knee and on crutches so he wont be going back to school for these last 3 weeks as there is no way he can walk around to his lessons as many of them are upstairs and there are steps everywhere so he is home they think he will be in plaster 6-8 weeks which will mean he may miss this week camping holiday with the sea cadets and any other weekends it also puts an emd to his sailing and caneoing for the rest of the summer tosay he is gutted is an undertstement. We are back at the fracture unit in the morning to get the full story so we shall see.

Back to my diet and fitness plan my whole body is aching today and im glad in a way i didnt get to exercise as it will give me a rest lol and i have to go into town tomorrow as my scale has died on me it told me id put on 2 stone this week then lost 3 then stayed the same then put on 3 stone lol time to get a new one i think!!!!

Sunday 29 June 2008

Sundays a day of rest?? whatever!!

I say this with a lol as now is the first time i have sat down all day!!
I have got through a stack of ironing and put them all away i have done more exercising as i am realy trying not to get bored and wonder off as i do this everytime i just give up way to easily and then complain about the way i look well i am desperatly going to try to keep it up this time i want to lose as much as i can by xmas so i can get into some of the nicer clothes i have, I did manage another 25mins on my bike and another 10 minutes on the mat before i made everyone lunch i also then spend an hour with the kids playing wii sports i was not amuzed at them saying my fitness age was 71 lol but i am going to work on that everyday untill i get a better result i just cant seem to get the hang of the baseball one.We then went onto doing the boxing fist you had to hit a punch bag and then dodge the balls hmmm lets just say my arms are aching now im dreading getting up tomorrow!!!! lol
so now with my chicken cooking in the oven for tonights tea the kids out playing and Donny yelling at the 360 lol i am going to try and get my dragon dare i say finished??? lol id better not but get somemore of it done as i want to watch the final of euro 2008 tonight as the team i picked is in the final and so is the team that Donny picked so all thats left to say realy is GO GERMANY!!!!!

Saturday 28 June 2008

noisy saturday afternoon

On saturday morning i had a lovely gift through my door from Nicky one of the girls off my runboard site for winning the last round of bingo and as you can see boy did she spoil me!!! it was such a lovely package she had put together for me and i was speechless!!! a hude thing for me as i never know when to shut up lol!!!

Then later that afternoon it was time to play the ps3 like i had promised the kids they decided it would be fun if they asked thier friend Jordan into play so there would be four of us lol you should of seen us i have put an album up with more photos for you to see it started off with the older game then the newest one now they are asking if they can please get songs from sing store as they play it often i guess thats not so bad but then again they are 99p each so i dont realy want them
going over board as they will have me spending a load before
i even notice it lol!!!
So we had a very eventful saturday afternoon here then we had a curry and watched a movie before bedtime.

Friday 27 June 2008

Advance warning!!!!

I took some of the older ps2 games back to game to buy the new sing star for the ps3 today ive been upstairs playing it with the kids for a bit we are going to have a contest tomorrow afternoon so im warning you all now............... yes the rain will continue prob with a few thunderstorms thrown in somewhere lmao town was so busy you can just tell its a friday afternoon even though it is still so very very wet here there was just so many people around its madness!!!

The boys are off to cadets tonight but there will be no sailing as they wont take them if the weather contitions are bad which is strange as they are in canoes ect on the water!!! oh well i guess its because some of the grown ups may get wet lol i now we cant be having that can we!!

As its so miserable here we have no plans to go out anyway and the euro 2008 final is on sunday which i am looking foward too hopefully the thunderstorms in vienna wont be bad and i may acualy get o watch more than half of the game this time.

I guess id beter go make them food before they go.

I hope you all have a great weekend

Thursday 26 June 2008

Feeling better

Finaly the fog from my head seems to be clearing and i am feeling so much better i dont know if its my boody telling me i am trying to do much too soon with the exercis and diet i am trying to work on so i think i may have to slow down a little so i wont go at it so hard for the rest of this week and see if that improves things.
I have just walked across to Donnys brothers exwife with him and left him there for a bit to come home and have the house to myself for a bit i would say its quiet lol but im never quiet i love my music and music is always best loud!!!! so i have been cleaning and i am taking a break chatting to my friend on msn lol.
I am planning to try and do a lot more of my red dragon this evening as Leon has a fishing meeting so Donny will be wityh him and when i get back from dropping them off it will be just me and Jake on hang on hes the chatty one i have no chance lol
I am planing on doing a little exercis though i want to do as much as i can no pain no gain does ironing count?? i have loads of that too do hehehe

Tuesday 24 June 2008


Boy am i feeling it now earlier i did 25mins on my exercise bike and boy was my bum sore when i got off it lol!! I also managed 100 sit ups im quite supprised even though it was taking short breaks that didnt feel so bad just my legs are like jelly tonight lol oh well no pain no gain i guess i just realy hope i can keep it up and see and feel a difference my chest has been so bad the last 2 years i guess carrying a bit of extra weight doesnt help either so lets hope my will power will hold out this of many times i have started lol there are a few pairs of jeans in my wadrope that i would love to get back into so i need to keep it up.

I still have a slight dull feeling in my head but i did get a few stitches into my dragon earleir so its getting better at long last 3 days is a long time for a headache. Well with the boys at sea cadets and dinner cooking im off to watch eastenders

Monday 23 June 2008

dying fabbie!!!

Yes ive been dying again today i decided it was time to the newsletter i have been promising for my site so i needed some new stuff to show on it. So i did a few pieces of evenweave and a few aida and they have all been added.
I would of done it sooner but i have had a horrible headache
yesterday and today that i just havent been able to shift at
all it was really bad yesterday but at least today it has just
turned to a fuzzy light headed feeling which i am almost coping with.
On a lighter note i started trying to lose some weight last week
i tried to exercise a bit more and i guess i could of eaten a bit healthuer but i did manage to lose 6lb not a bad start but i hope i can keep it up ive been watching the biggest loser on sky real lives and wow what a difference you can make if you realy want to try i just wish i had so much will power and it would be nice to have company to do it with me.

Friday 20 June 2008

Its friday again already

This week seems to have come around fast!!! Leon went out to play last night and came in with a broken phone tell me what is it with my kids and phones?? honestly i think they think we are made of money and can just replace things at the drop of a hat to be honest he explained that it was an accident and he has looked after it for 6months but with Jake braking 2 one within a month and one in 13 days it was enough to cause a scene so we have now decided that we are not going to be replacing either phone they are going to have to save up and get them themselves maybe that way they will look after them better...maybe... so at the moment its if your going out fine but you dont go further than i can shout so you come home when i want you to so thats not going to be much fun for them or me.
Leons fishing comp has been cancelled tomorrow as we are due yet more bad weather i dont think summers ever going to get here. So now we are home for the weekend so i am hoping to get more fabbie dyed and update my website and get this months newsletter out before its too late!! I have had a lot of new members as i have been very lucky enough to have a fairly new designer come join my board and has very kindly offered to give out free charts whicj=h is fantastic of her.
I hope you all have a great weekend and all get to see the sun at some point lol.

Wednesday 18 June 2008

Another wintery day

For the middle of june you realy dont expect gale force winds pounding rain and dark miserable weather its horrible and depressing i hope it gets better for leon before his competition on saturday or hell be realy disapointed if its cancelled or realy wet if its not lol.
I got my mill hill beads this morning and a reel of krenick for the next two fairies i want to do hmmm im full of ideas like that lol these are two of my future plans.

I have just bought wind element and i am looking foward to eventually getting round to it lol. And I am using my own hand dyed fabbie for moon dreams.

Tuesday 17 June 2008

Stichy update

So here he is my wip of my over dyed red dragon from dragon dreams i managed to get a few more stitches in this afternoon as its been more like winter than summer again here today with strong winds and showers with the sun shining through inbetween rather Leon than me down the docks with the cadets tonight boating i bet it will be cold. Jake hasnt left yet he goes an hour later and finishes an hour later so ill be going out twice tonight to meet them they walk up on thier own as it is a few minutes down the road but as someone tried to grab a few of them a few months ago we have to go collect them the kids moan because they play around that area so its embarasing to be met lol oh well.
So as it is stitch night on my runboard i thought id share a progress update with you all too. I ordered myself some krenick and mill hill beads today for the next two faries i am planing on doing so now without counting the 3 wips i am working on i have another 3 projects kitted up and will have a 4th when i get my threads from Heather who is an angel Shirley is also fantastic and helps me everytime i need it. I am so blessed to have so many friends i would never have been able to do so much without you and i am going to get my santas dragon done by this xmas as Shirley gave me all the threads i needed for christmas last year which was a lovely lovely suprise.
Well id better get moving do less talking and more stitching or i will always have too many wips!!!!!

Monday 16 June 2008

feeling halloweeny

Well i did one on saturday then stopped and started playing crash on the wii and 2 hours later was still there its addictive lol!!! so i finished off the ghost this afternoon in the garden when we got home from the pond a bit early? yes but i could do halloween all year round i love it!!!!! and i wanted a break from my big wips too i am trying to do a 50 challenge for this year at the sss runboard group

At the pond

Yes we went and it was beautiful so warm and sunny Leon did some fishing aand me and Jake took a long woodland walk it didnt help me knee much but hopefully will help my weight i need to get more done to shift some weight off me.

Here is one of the fish Leon caught wow he caught so many little ones today!!! lets hope he does this well at the contest next weekend. Here is one of the fish Leon caught wow he caught so many little ones today!!! lets hope he does this well at the contest next weekend.

Sunday 15 June 2008

Edible strawberry bubbles!!!!

Yes you heard me right!!! thats what me and the kids bought in the pound shop yesterday on our walk to town and back that i am well suffering for today my knee is swollan and painful and i am soon going out fishing lol anyway back the bubbles i had never seen edible bubbles before so we got some our dog is mad about bubble so we thought if the kids wouldnt eat them the dog could well we took 2 videos one of the strawberry then one of normal bubbles i will upload them later onto my multiply so you can all have a laugh.
Well id better go feed the kids before we go fishing i am thinking of the maggots in my fridge yuck!!! but they are secure so they cant escape at least lol.I will update later with any pics of any fish caught me and jake are going for a walk up there well tring to with me knee so will see what we can see.

Friday 13 June 2008

Friday the 13th!!!

Lol i guess the header sais it all!!! i hate friday the 13th i am hoping to stay at home all day long!!! but saying that i do have a fish tank to scrub and i want to get all the floors down stairs mopped before the kids are home from schol for the weekend so im gonna be pretty busy anyhow. Well the sun is shining lovely here at the moment so fingers crossed it will hold out.
We went out when the kids got home form school yesterday we were running low on mice for the snake and Donny found out there was another pet shop in Gorseinon so we decided to go down to take a look it was a realy clean place and the snakes gheckos and other animals all seemed s healthy unlike the other pet shop up there it was nice. There was also a farm foods and poundstratcher next to it i have never been in farm foods so we went in to have a look i didnt buy much as i dont tend to feed my kids processed foods and here seemed to be lots of that in there but we did have some bits and pieces i had a lovely fabriccovered box in poundstretcher though its white with butterflies on it to keep my wips in so they are not piled under the coffee table trouble is there is room in it for more so you all know whats going to happen next lol.
My wrist did feel a bit better yesterday morning so i did manage to get some stitching in to do for my weekly stitch count at a runboard i helpout with so that was good saying that i hae ben cutting down by pc time as dh seems to have gone right off spending time on here at all because of something awful that was said to him i think and with it being so nice i spend much more time with the kids which is always nice we are going be be spending 2 saturdays a month with Leon with this new fishing club anyway 4 hours trainign once a month and then 4 hours competition once a month followed by that night in the pub where they hold the meetings also once a month having a party for the kids so its like rugby all over again but twice insteed off 4 times a month lol.
Well Jakes just gone and Leon will be leaving in about 25mins so then i am going to be so busy for a few hours i want it all done before they are home i am looking foward to relaxing and watching the footie and then the big brother eviction tonight saying that im not happy that my choosen team had the first loss last night.
Everyone have a safe friday 13th and a lovely weekend!!!

Wednesday 11 June 2008

Its raining again

Yeap thought it was just too good to be true!!! it started raining again just as we came in from picking Leon up from Jakes school he has an after school club there every tuesday for the next 5 weeks to get him eased into the school a bit before he starts in september they want as many of the kids to meet up as possible so they start making new friends he seemed to enjoy so thats a good thing. Well my garden could do with a good watering so its not all bad i guess hopefully the sun will come back soon though.
I still havent picked my stitching up today though my wrist does feel a bit better ive been out most of the day shopping we went to tescos to get some petrol and the whole world seems to have gone mad as shell has said they are going on strike on friday its only one day i think the panic buying just makes things a whole lot worse if i run out of petrol i still have legs!!!!
I had a call from the police this afternoon after during Jakes pe lesson some kids had thier phones stollen and jake had his glasses broken as the school doesnt seem to be doing much the parents of one of the boys has called in the police so they were just letting me know what is happening but when she said who she was and was calling reguarding an incident with Jake and his school i panicked!!! lol but then she said it was nothing to worry about after something that happened up there a few weeks ago because of another school you worry even more its a wonder what the world is coming too such a shame that your kids just arent safe anywhere these days.

Monday 9 June 2008

Its another sunny day here so i have decided to pull out the kids pool for them while they are at school its been filling for 4 hours and its still not done yet!!! They had so much fun running through the sprinkler last night they may aswell have the pool and enjoy it while its so nice because knowing our luck it proberly wont last!!!
We had a quiet sunday we watched the football and the grand prix flicking back and for to watch both i mowed the lawns and tidied up my flowers a bit. I decided i wanted to cook a curry from scratch saturday night i got a recipe off the internet got everything together and started to cook it it took a while and smelled lovely the recipe said it was a vindaloo but it was deffiniatly a korma looked like one tasted and smelled like one!!! lovely curry but not what i had intended on cooking LOL
Well im off to check on the pool and watch neighbours

Sunday 8 June 2008

My board is up for botm

Back at the beging of last month my message board won board of the week now it is up for board of the month it is all so exciting to be lucky enough to be thought good enough to be choosen and then picked the winner for the weekly contest!!! and now i have to see how i will go on the monthly one!!! Ok i know you only win a sticker to say that you have been choosen but at the same time it was a very nice suprise
So i would like to ask you all to go take a look at my board and if you think i deserve the chance to win maybe place a vote for me your support means the world to me
Thankyou all for taking the time to read and look at my link
hugs kay xx

Saturday 7 June 2008

Up early this morning

Yes very unusual for the alarm to be going off before 9am to wake me on a saturday as many of my friends will know lol but Leon has joined a local fishing club so he had his first training session this morning its too far for him to walk to i took him up Donny stayed with him and me and jake slipped into town they were there for 2hrs instead of 4 as wales is playing rugby this afternoon and the men wanted to be home to watch. I felt it was ok to leave Donny with him for a bit as he couldnt get into much troule sitting watching. Leon did realy well he caught a few fish and he also caught the most and biggest fish.
Well now we are home and my dads been and gone and the kids are out playing in the lovely sunshine we have today so i am going to settle down to try and get a big of my over dyed dragon done before the footie comes on i love to watch the European campionships and we have a family contest running with the players from the teams we support and we have each chosen a team to see how far we go so come on Germany!!!!!

Friday 6 June 2008

Finally framed!!!

finally framed!! my gallexy dragon i tried my best to take a better photo but it just wasnt having it at all so you cant see all the sparkles in thier full glory but you can see i finally framed her lol
i also messed about and framed some older photos i added the sparkles my self to the polar bear one as i wanted to brighten it up a bit so feel free to tell me if it doesnt look good lol

i took a photo of lost it and it came out real dark but on the bright side you got to see all the glitter!!! oh well im off to see who theyve but in the house on big brother tonight sad?? maybe but there isnt much else to watch now the summers almost here

Monday 2 June 2008

Monday morning

I havent gotten up so early in a long while lol that can only mean one thing!!!! yes the kids are back at school its so quiet at mine its lovely wont be for long though it seems to fly and then they are back home lol

I thought id take this oppertunity to update you all on my stitchy works as you know i got my gallexy dragon finished but havent yet been to town to get a frame so here is the picture for you all to see i hope this works first time ive tried to add a photo to my blog i will take a better photo when i have her framed.

i have also been working on my wips here is my progress so far on my fire dragon and my over dyed dragon ive only been doing my over dyed dragon a few days never tried blakwork before but i am quite enjoying it and he seems to be flying along.

well guess id better get some cleaning done (groan)

Stitch pink prize

thought i wouls share a photo of the prize i recieved from the stitch pink blog that i have the link for posted on my links section i seen the link to the blog on one of the yahoo groups i am in i didnt think for one minute id have a chance of winning so it was a big big supprise and the website covers a subject which is close to me heart as my mum died of breast cancer when i was 6 and she was just 31 years old i have been to the genetics department at singleton hospital in swansea and was told i am at very high risk as not only my mum but 2 of my great grandmothers also died of this on my mums side my mums sister has had lumps removed and at the moment is still under going treatment for bowel cancer and my grans sister also now has breast cancer and thats without going into my dads side i have to have yearly mamograms when i reach 35 which isnt that far away and they have suggested as there is such a big link between breast and cervial cancer i will have to be tested for that once a yaer too at least it isnt s smear dont think i could cope with that!!!! lol
so please go take a look at the blog and try to support it all you can,