Wednesday 11 June 2008

Its raining again

Yeap thought it was just too good to be true!!! it started raining again just as we came in from picking Leon up from Jakes school he has an after school club there every tuesday for the next 5 weeks to get him eased into the school a bit before he starts in september they want as many of the kids to meet up as possible so they start making new friends he seemed to enjoy so thats a good thing. Well my garden could do with a good watering so its not all bad i guess hopefully the sun will come back soon though.
I still havent picked my stitching up today though my wrist does feel a bit better ive been out most of the day shopping we went to tescos to get some petrol and the whole world seems to have gone mad as shell has said they are going on strike on friday its only one day i think the panic buying just makes things a whole lot worse if i run out of petrol i still have legs!!!!
I had a call from the police this afternoon after during Jakes pe lesson some kids had thier phones stollen and jake had his glasses broken as the school doesnt seem to be doing much the parents of one of the boys has called in the police so they were just letting me know what is happening but when she said who she was and was calling reguarding an incident with Jake and his school i panicked!!! lol but then she said it was nothing to worry about after something that happened up there a few weeks ago because of another school you worry even more its a wonder what the world is coming too such a shame that your kids just arent safe anywhere these days.

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