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Posts mit dem Label December Kits werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Mittwoch, 9. Dezember 2015

December projects for C´est Magnifique!

Hallo ihr Lieben,
kaum zu glauben, es ist tatsächlich schon Dezember!
Heute möchte ich euch meine Werke für C´est Magnifique Kits zeigen. Da der Dezember naturgemäß recht hektisch ist, präsentiere ich sie euch alle auf einen Rutsch. Ich hoffe, sie gefallen euch!

Hello dear blog friends, today with my projects, made with the adorable C'est Magnifique December kits and add-ons  "Victorian Holiday".

My first layout is a wintery one called "Angel". I only used the  Main Kit.
By sprikling much watered down Gesso, you can add a frosty feeling to your pages. A great way to brin a frosty look to your photos is to use the Tim Holtz Frosted Film from the Main Kit. It adds a beautiful icy shimmer and is really easy to use!
from my stash: Gesso, stamp, ink and embossing powder
here some detail photos:

My next layout shows my big sister and me at the tender age of three and two years. 
In Germany on the 6th of December there comes Saint Nicholas to the children to have a look, if they were good the whole year. The brave ones are allowed to hold his rod - my sister was brave!
from my stash: Gesso, stencil
here are some detail photos:

My last layout is called 24. In Germany we celebrate chistmas at the 24th of December. We go to church in the afternoon and after dinner here in Bavaria the Christkind (christ child), not Santa Claus, puts all the presents under the chistmas tree. The family singing christmas songs, eat cookies and drink mulled wine and unpack the packages.

from my stash: white card stock, Gesso, stamp and ink, old book pages

 Here are some detail photos:

I have made a process video, enjoy watching!

My last project is a wall hanger, made with the Main Kit, the Mixed Media Kit and the Embellishment Add On. A tutorial for the poinsettia you can find here.

All kits are available at:

Thank you for stopping by, I hope you feel insired!
Have a crafty day!