Gesamtzahl der Seitenaufrufe

Mittwoch, 27. Januar 2016

January Projects for C´est Magnifique Kits

Hello all, today I want to show you my projects I did with the January kits fron C´est Magnifique. The papers are so very gorgeous and also all the Add Ons this time are loaded with  adorable goodies again. For my projects I used the Main Kit, Embellishment Add On, Flower Add On and the Mixed Media Kit.
For my first layout I used only a stencil and modeling paste for the background, built a some layers of paper to mat my photo. 
The leaves are real ivy leaves, I edged with snow paste of my stash and some gesso. The pretty little blossoms and blossom stam are from the Flower Add On, the metal piece is one of the mechanicals from the Mixed Media Kit.
For my second layout I used only the Main Kit and took one of the pictures from the Mood Board. The lace fits so perfect! 
I fuzzy cut one of the papers to add some interest to my layout and accentuated some parts with a black pencil. Into the middle of the flowers I set the pearl breads, they look so elegant.

For my next layout I used another photo from the mood board and used the milk paste from the Mixed Media Kit, some stamping, the chipboard of Blue Fern Studios, which I embossed and the beautiful flowers from the kits complete my layout.
For my next layout I used the picture from one of the papers from the  Main Kit. For the background I took the paints from the  Mixed Media Kit and did some stamping. The lace and the pretty doily just like the flowers are perfect for the vintage look.
 And here are my Mixed Media cards from the Mixed Media Techniques and Tutorials Challenge. There is still some time to play!
 I hope you enjoyed my projects and feel a little bit inspired! All the kits you can find HERE.
Happy crafting!

Dienstag, 12. Januar 2016

Wanderlust Book 2016 - January, the first pages

Hallo zusammen, schön euch hier zu haben! 

Heute möchte ich euch meine ersten Seiten in meinem Wanderlust Book 2016 zeigen.
Wie ihr vielleicht gesehen habt, hat im Januar der Online Kurs "Wanderlust 2016" angefangen - und ich bin dabei! Die ersten Videokurse sind schon gelaufen und waren sehr informativ und inspirierend.
Wir sollten ein Wort benutzen, das beschreibt, wie man sich momentan fühlt. Ich habe "promising" gewählt, was soviel bedeutet wie: hoffnungsvoll, vielversprechend, erwartungsfroh - kurzum ein positiver Blick in die Zukunft.

Hi all, nice to have you here!
Today I want to share with you my first pages of my Wanderlust Book 2016. May be you´ve seen, that started at January 1st, a one year long event of art classes and exploration, "Wanderlust 2016" This is the project I created after watching the first two videos, which were very informative and inspiring. If you don't know about Wanderlust, do check it out here.
We were supposed to choose "One word that describes me today." My word is "promising".
I went after the color palette of Lindy´s Stamp Gang January 2016 Color Challenge and used the following colors:
Ich habe mich an der Farbpalette von Lindy´s Stamp Gang January 2016 Color Challenge orientiert.
Folgende Farben habe ich verwendet:

Hier meine Seiten:
Here are my pages:

Noch kurz, wie ich der Reihe nach vorgegangen bin:
- weißes Gesso
- Papierstreifen und -stückchen aufkleben
- Texture Crackle Paste durch eine Schablone von 13@rts, trocknen lassen
- Einfärben mit Farbsprays, Magicals (Pigmentpulver), Gesso, ein Hauch von Inka Gold 
- stempeln mit 2 verschiedenen Stempeln
- Akzente setzen mit wasservermalbarem Farbstift und weißem Marker und lila Fineliner
- Bild unterlegen (4 Schichten) und aufkleben, Schmetterlinge aufkleben bzw. -rubbeln
- handschriftlich das Wort "promising" mit Schreibfeder und schwarzer Tinte und am Rand 
  mit lila Fineliner schreiben

A quick step by step:
- white Gesso
- glue down paper stripes and shapes
- Texture Crackle Paste through a stencil of 13@rts, let dry
- colouring with mists and Magicals, Gesso and a hint of Inka Gold
- stamping with 2 different stamps
- setting accents with watercolour pencil, white pen and purple fineliner
- layering the picture (4 layers) and glue down, embellishing with butterflies (fuzzy cut and 
  rub on)
- handwriting the word "promising" with a pennib, ink and a purple finliner around the edges

Hier ein paar Details:
Here some details:

Hier noch ein Foto in einem anderen Licht - man sieht hier so schön, wie die Texture Crackle Paste erhaben ist!
Here a photo in another light - you can see how the Texture Crackle Paste stands out!

Ich hoffe, meine Art Journal Seiten gefallen euch! Vielen Dank fürs Reinschauen!
Now I hope you like my art journal pages! Thank you for dropping in here!

In following challenges I want to participate:

Montag, 4. Januar 2016

C'est Magnifique Mixed Media Techniques and Tutorials Challenge

Hallo zusammen, schön, dass ihr vorbeischaut! Heute habe ich etwas Besonderes für euch! Bei C´est Magnifique gibt es eine neue Challenge. Es ist eine Mixed Media Challenge, bei der ihr ein Technikthema vorgegeben habt. Diesmal: Stencil Bump. Ihr könnt machen, was immer ihr mögt. Entweder ein Layout, eine Leinwand,eine Karte, etwas Verschönern, ..... was auch immer. Ihr müsst nur die Regeln beachten. Einfach, was? Vielleicht habt ihr ja Lust mitzumachen!
Ich habe zwei Beispielkarten und ein Technik Video gemacht, viel Spaß beim Anschauen!

Hello dear C´est Magnifique friends, it´s Evelyn here! Today we want to continue our journal of new beginnings with our second challenge, which is a Mixed Media Challenge!

How does it work and what are you asked to do?  Every month we will ask you to use a Mixed Media Technique, special art supplies, ......... well, stay curious, what we will bring you in future! We will show you a Technique Tutorial so you can easily imitate on your project.
And the best of all, it is an Anything Goes Challenge! That means you can create, whatever your heart desires - create a layout, canvas, card, altered project, OTP project, art journal page.......... whatever you want! Of course you can combine our challenges, you only have to follow the rules.
It´s really fun and easy, isn´t it? 

So let´s start!
Welcome to our first Mixed Media Challenge!

 I´ve made this card and a tutorial video:

For some more inspiration one more example:

Evelyn Walter´s second project

Here are rules, they are simple and will make your project enjoyable to create!

1. The challenge runs from January 4, 2016 and ends February 7, 2016 at midnight.

2. Create a project using the "Stencil Bump Technique". You can create a layout, altered project, canvas, cards or  anything that inspires you using this technique.  

3.  When you are done, leave a comment on the C'est Magnifique Blog with a link to your blog sharing your C'est Magnifique Stencil Bump Technique Challenge projects. Please title the Blog Post as C'est Magnifique January Mixed Media Challenge.

4. Have Fun!  Can't wait to see your projects!!

Donnerstag, 31. Dezember 2015

C'est Magnifique January Kit Reveal

It's time to give you a look at everything you can find in the January Kits and to remind you of our Add-Ons.  Our Designers have been hard at work creating their favorite projects with this beautiful kit!

January Kit - New Beginnings

Kit Embellishments:
Prima Flowers Bella Notte Hickory, Via Flamina Rosa
Prima Royal Menagerie Alphabets Stickers
Blue Fern Studios Royal Wands
Bazzil  Swiss Dot and Terra Cotta, Clay
Chatterbox Papers
7 Gypsies Census Paper
Blue Fern Studios Autumn Anthology Papers
2 Project Life Inserts
Multi Bakers Twine
Cream Lace Robbon
Pink Ribbon
Wooden Hearts*
Mini Tags*
Rhinestone strip

*Partial Package

The January Magnifique Mixed Media Kit is available now in our Store!
Prima Canvas Album
Prima flowers Eminence
Prima Clear Stamp
Embroidered Canvas
Stick Pins
Blue Fern Studio Celebration Hearts *
Blue Fern Studio Embossing Powder
WeRMemory Keepers Flowers Stems Kit
Canvas Sheet
C'est Magnifique Blue Bubbles Paint
C'est Magnifique Bubbles Shimmer Mist
C'est Magnifique Mango Milk Paste
C'est Magnifique Blueberry Rasberry Sparkles
C'est Magnifique Pinkcicle Paste
*Partial Package
Flower Add-On
We create a Flower Add-On each month for those of you who like extra flowers. We have selected flowers that compliment the kit and put them together as an add-on.
Prima:Aire Collection, Calcutta, Divine, Elle, Mini Bouquet, Lucerne
Lastly, we have an Embellishment Add-On so you can stretch your kit even further.

Goodie Bag Includes: Buttons, Kaisercraft pink brads, Cork Circle,
BakersTwine, Mni Assorted Tile Words, C'est Magnifique Blue/Brown Silk
Prima Canvas Banner
Prima Metal
Prima Lovely Prints
Blue Fern Ginger Poppies
Petaloo BurlapBlossoms*
*Partial Package
Doesn't the January Kit look gorgeous?

The Magnifique Mixed Media Kit, the Flower Add-On and the Embellishment Add-On are available now for purchase in the C'est Magnifique Store!

Our talented design team will be back to inspire you with more projects and some fun Challenges using our January Kit.

Donnerstag, 17. Dezember 2015

C´est Magnifique January Kit Sneak Peeks

Hi all today! Nice to have you here today.
Here we are at the middle of the month again and that means we're excited to give you a look at the paper we will be using in our January Kit, the Magnifique Mixed Media Kit and our two add-ons.
The patterned paper for January:
Blue Fern Studios -USA

Blue Fern Studio Autumn Anthology Collection
The January Magnifique Mixed Media Kit is available now in our Store!
Prima Canvas Album
Prima flowers Eminence
Prima Clear Stamp
Embroidered Canvas
Stick Pins
Blue Fern Studio Celebration Hearts *
Blue Fern Studio Embossing Powder
WeRMemory Keepers Flowers Stems Kit
Canvas Sheet
C'est Magnifique Blue Bubbles Paint
C'est Magnifique Bubbles Shimmer Mist
C'est Magnifique Mango Milk Paste
C'est Magnifique Blueberry Rasberry Sparkles
C'est Magnifique Pinkcicle Paste
*Partial Package
Flower Add-On

We create a Flower Add-On each month for those of you who like extra flowers. We have selected flowers that compliment the kit and put them together as an add-on.
Prima:Aire Collection, Calcutta, Divine, Elle, Mini Bouquet, Lucerne
Lastly, we have an Embellishment Add-On so you can stretch your kit even further.

Goodie Bag Includes: Buttons, Kaisercraft pink brads, Cork Circle,
BakersTwine, Mni Assorted Tile Words, C'est Magnifique Blue/Brown Silk
Prima Canvas Banner
Prima Metal
Prima Lovely Prints
Blue Fern Ginger Poppies
Petaloo BurlapBlossoms*
*Partial Package
Doesn't the January Kit look gorgeous?
The Magnifique Mixed Media Kit, the Flower Add-On and the Embellishment Add-On are available now for purchase in the C'est Magnifique Store!

Thanks for stopping by here today!

Sonntag, 13. Dezember 2015

Mixed Media Mini Canvas with Inka Gold

Hallo zusammen, schön, dass ihr hier vorbei schaut!
Ich wünsche euch einen schönen dritten Advent!
Heute möchte ich euch ein Minicanvas vorstellen, das ich, inspiriert von Marta Lapkowska, kürzlich gemacht habe. 
Von dem Geld, das ich von meinen Freundinnen zum Geburtstag bekommen habe, habe ich mir einen lange gehegten Wunsch erfüllt und mir eine schöne Auswahl an Inka Gold Farben gekauft - die musste ich natürlich gleich ausprobieren :-)

Hi all, a warm welcome, nice to have you here!
I wish you a wonderful third Advent!
Today I want to share a little canvas I recently made, inspired by the lovely Marta Lapkowska.
From the birthday money I got from my friends, I made a wish come true and bought a various selection of Inka Gold - and of course I had to try them out immediately :-)

So habe ich es gemacht: 
Zuerst die kleine Leinwand mit schwarzem Gesso grundieren, die chipboard Schnörkel ebenso. In die feuchte Farbe bei den Chipboard Schnörkeln habe ich schwarzen und lila Glitter (extra fein) eingestreut.
Nach dem Trocknen habe ich dann ein wenig Textur mit Modellierpaste und Schablone aufgebracht, alle möglichen Metallteile aufgeklebt, unter anderem ein Teil von einem kaputten Topfdeckel (unter dem Herz), einen Möbelbeschlag, in dessen Mitte ein Metallknopf sitzt (in der rechten unteren Ecke), Blumen, Plastikschmetterlinge, ein Halbperlenherz und ein Schlüsselaufkleber sowie kleine und große Glaskügelchen komplettierten dann das Ganze.
And this is what I did:
First I painted the little canvas and the chipboard curlicues with black Gesso, into the wet paint at the curlicues I added some black and purple super fine Glitter. To add some texture I used a stencil and modelingpaste.
After drying I glued all the Embellishments down to the canvas, a part of a broken lid of a pot (beneath the heart), a furniture fitting with a metal button in the middle (in the right bottom corner), flowers, plastic butterflies, a pearl heart and a key sticker as well as tiny and bigger glas beads made the whole thing complete.

Nach dem Trocknen habe ich das Ganze noch einmal mit schwarzem Gesso bemalt, trocknen lassen und danach mit meinen neuen Inka Gold Farben die Farbakzente gesetzt. Folgende Inka Gold Farben habe ich verwendet: Aprikot, Hortensie, Rosenquarz, Türkis, Grün-Gelb, Gold und Silber. Am Schluß noch etwas weißes Gesso zum Hervorheben einiger Parien, ein kleiner Sticker oben drauf und fertig!

After drying I painted all over with black Gesso, let it dry and then I tried out my new Inka Gold colours: Apricot, Hydrangea, Rose Rose quartz, Turquoise, Gold and Silver. At last some white Gesso to make stand out more some parts, on top a little sticker and done!

 Here are some close ups:

Ich hoffe, mein kleines Bild gefällt euch!
Ich wünsche euch noch eine schöne Adventszeit!

I hope you like my little canvas!
I wish you a merry advent!

Following challenges I want to join:

I was inspired by the layers

Mittwoch, 9. Dezember 2015

December projects for C´est Magnifique!

Hallo ihr Lieben,
kaum zu glauben, es ist tatsächlich schon Dezember!
Heute möchte ich euch meine Werke für C´est Magnifique Kits zeigen. Da der Dezember naturgemäß recht hektisch ist, präsentiere ich sie euch alle auf einen Rutsch. Ich hoffe, sie gefallen euch!

Hello dear blog friends, today with my projects, made with the adorable C'est Magnifique December kits and add-ons  "Victorian Holiday".

My first layout is a wintery one called "Angel". I only used the  Main Kit.
By sprikling much watered down Gesso, you can add a frosty feeling to your pages. A great way to brin a frosty look to your photos is to use the Tim Holtz Frosted Film from the Main Kit. It adds a beautiful icy shimmer and is really easy to use!
from my stash: Gesso, stamp, ink and embossing powder
here some detail photos:

My next layout shows my big sister and me at the tender age of three and two years. 
In Germany on the 6th of December there comes Saint Nicholas to the children to have a look, if they were good the whole year. The brave ones are allowed to hold his rod - my sister was brave!
from my stash: Gesso, stencil
here are some detail photos:

My last layout is called 24. In Germany we celebrate chistmas at the 24th of December. We go to church in the afternoon and after dinner here in Bavaria the Christkind (christ child), not Santa Claus, puts all the presents under the chistmas tree. The family singing christmas songs, eat cookies and drink mulled wine and unpack the packages.

from my stash: white card stock, Gesso, stamp and ink, old book pages

 Here are some detail photos:

I have made a process video, enjoy watching!

My last project is a wall hanger, made with the Main Kit, the Mixed Media Kit and the Embellishment Add On. A tutorial for the poinsettia you can find here.

All kits are available at:

Thank you for stopping by, I hope you feel insired!
Have a crafty day!