Rogers Cadenhead of the Drudge Retort:
People who are boycotting AP and signing a petition. (follow the links)I'm currently engaged in a legal disagreement with the Associated Press, which claims that Drudge Retort users linking to its stories are violating its copyright and committing "'hot news' misappropriation under New York state law." An AP attorney filed six Digital Millenium Copyright Act takedown requests this week demanding the removal of blog entries and another for a user comment.
The Retort is a community site comparable in function to Digg, Reddit and Mixx. The 8,500 users of the site contribute blog entries of their own authorship and links to interesting news articles on the web, which appear immediately on the site. None of the six entries challenged by AP, which include two that I posted myself, contains the full text of an AP story or anything close to it. They reproduce short excerpts of the articles -- ranging in length from 33 to 79 words -- and five of the six have a user-created headline.
skippy the bush kangaroo discusses the asspress' actions.
Tengrain of Mock, Paper, Scissors notes AP's unnecessarily heavy hand and calls for a boycott.
Cernig of Newshoggers has details.
Watertiger of Dependable Renegade.
Update 6/17: Kos of the Daily Kos has the best response ever.
crossposted at Rants from the Rookery