Showing posts with label blogiversaries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogiversaries. Show all posts

Friday, July 16, 2010

happy blogiversary skippy!

skippy & co. are some of the hardest working people in blogtopia, and yes, we know skippy coined that phrase!

the 'roo crew are fabulous, fantastic and funny, not necessarily in that order.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Celebrate Good Times, Come On!

Happy blogiversary to my co-bloggers at VidiotSpeak!

Update (SteveAudio): and from me too, it's a great blog, and I'm so grateful they loan you out to write over here. I'm honored!

Monday, July 13, 2009

happy blogiversary* skippy!

Happy Blogiversary skippy! We baked totally photoshopped you a cake!

original pic from here

* y, wkJMaTLctp (translation: yes, we know Jeralyn Merrit at Talk Left coined that phrase.)


Skippy is one of the greats, not just in blogtopia (y!sktp) but especially here in L.A. Pam & I have partied with skippy and his lovely wife several times, and they are really quality folks.

Skippy was also, IIRC, the first big-time blogger to give us a link, back when I was running this joint all on my own. For that we'll be eternally grateful.

In fact, to honor skippy and his lovely wife, we want to publish a picture. Say hi to them the next time you spot them walking down the street:

Cross posted at VidiotSpeak

Friday, July 11, 2008


Bad Hosts or Just Crackers?
Here's a story that will destroy your hopes for a reasonable humanity
Webster Cook says he smuggled a Eucharist, a small bread wafer that to Catholics symbolic of the Body of Christ after a priest blesses it, out of mass, didn't eat it as he was supposed to do, but instead walked with it.

This isn't the stupid part yet. He walked off with a cracker that was put in his mouth, and people in the church fought with him to get it back. It is just a cracker!

Catholics worldwide became furious.

Would you believe this isn't hyperbole? People around the world are actually extremely angry about this — Webster Cook has been sent death threats over his cracker. Those are just kooks, you might say, but here is the considered, measured response of the local diocese:

"We don't know 100% what Mr. Cooks motivation was," said Susan Fani a spokesperson with the local Catholic diocese. "However, if anything were to qualify as a hate crime, to us this seems like this might be it."

We just expect the University to take this seriously," she added "To send a message to not just Mr. Cook but the whole community that this kind of really complete sacrilege will not be tolerated."

Wait, what? Holding a cracker hostage is now a hate crime? The murder of Matthew Shephard was a hate crime. The murder of James Byrd Jr. was a hate crime. This is a goddamned cracker. Can you possibly diminish the abuse of real human beings any further?
It seems like the uproar is about the cracker actually being the body of Jesus once the cracker is consecrated. I'm pretty sure cannibalism is illegal in this country.

Of course, I thought necrophilia was illegal too ... and in that case Wisconsin agrees with me:
Wisconsin law bans sex with dead bodies

Wisconsin law bans sex with dead bodies, the state Supreme Court ruled Wednesday in reinstating charges against three men accused of digging up a corpse so one of them could have sex with it.

The court waded into the grisly case after lower court judges ruled nothing in state law banned necrophilia.
Well, I guess I was only 1/2 right, you can eat dead bodies, but you can't have intercourse with them ... or it's OK to eat live bodies, but you can't have sex with them?
I'm so confused.

Continuing my confusion: Longtime readers, (yes, I'm talking to both of you), know I'm a fan of Justice Bedsworth's online column. What is there not to like about a judge who titles his column "A Criminal Waste of Space"?
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you
Bronko Nagurski and the Magical Penis Thieves
[just read the whole thing, the title makes sense.]
Speaking of blogtopiates, skippy, (who coined the phrase 'blogtopia'), had his 6th blogiversary* yesterday!!! Happy blogiversary to skippy and all his crew! Here's to many more!

*(y, wkjmctp!)

Cross posted at VidiotSpeak

Friday, March 28, 2008

Around blogtopia (ywksctp!)

From the 'How Could They Tell the Difference' file, WTF?!? informs us:
Homeland Security office filled with feces

ST. PAUL, Minn., March 19 (UPI) -- Someone with an urge to purge took it out on the Minnesota Homeland Security and Emergency Management office in downtown St. Paul, police said.

An unknown man defecated in several rooms Friday afternoon and left on foot before an officer arrived, the St. Paul Pioneer Press reported Tuesday.
Mooing on, Cookie Jill over at Skippy's place catches another example of the taint that is Bushco:
USDA might limit meat recall information

Under pressure from the food industry, the Agriculture Department is considering a proposal not to identify retailers where tainted meat went for sale except in cases of serious health risk, The Associated Press has learned.
The plan is being considered as the USDA puts the final touches on a proposed disclosure rule. It had lingered in draft form for two years until getting pushed to the forefront in February, when 143 million pounds of beef were recalled by Westland/Hallmark Meat Co. in Chino, Calif., after undercover video by an animal-rights activist showed workers abusing crippled cows.
I have a quick correction for the AP, they weren't 'crippled cows', they were 'downer cows.' And I have a question for the USDA, did your scientists decide it wasn't a 'serious health risk' or did your politicians decide?

And we're late in wishing I Miss FafBlog, Spot a happy blogiversary!

And once again, the only across the aisle blog we link to, the infamous Jon Swift continues to fan the flames of the dems meltdown.
Obama supporters also understand that voting should never be about picking the lesser of two evils or about making a strategic choice. If you don't agree with everything your candidate says, believe he or she can do no wrong and think that the other candidate is evil and that everyone who supports him or her is a traitor, then you really have no business voting at all.
We agree to a point, but we would add that no one but us, actually me, should get to vote.

After all, it worked for Cheney and his vices.

Thanks, you've been great! We'll be weak all here, don't forget to tip your cows and milk your waitresses ... wait a minute! That was supposed to be blow the guards and tie up the safe!

Cross posted at VidiotSpeak

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Happy blogiversary to VidiotSpeak!

Buyer's Remorse

I want to congratulate my pals, (and myself, of course;-), at VidiotSpeak on our second blogiversary** in blogtopia*!

p.s. I'm long on work and short on time, so if my SteveAudio friends have any ideas for a graphic to celebrate this milestone I'd welcome it. (hint, hint)

* Yes, we know skippy coined that phrase!

** Yes, we know Jeralyn Merrit of TalkLeft coined that phrase!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Happy Blogiversary to Jon Swift!

pic stolen from BoingBoing

A belated Happy Blogiversary to Jon Swift! Jon, our favorite conservative blogger and the only one we link to, is now in his terrible twos.

Congratulations and here's wishing him many more!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Happy Blogiversary! (y, wkjmctp!*)

Wow! Crooks and Liars just celebrated their 3rd year in blogtopia! (y,wksctp!**)

* Yes, we know Jeralyn Merrit coined that phrase!
** Yes, we know skippy coined that phrase!

Cross posted at VidiotSpeak

SteveAudio: My best to John and the great crew at C&L too