Showing posts with label happiness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label happiness. Show all posts

Saturday, June 25, 2022


 Spiritual protection grows from living with the awareness of inner light and Spirit.
I know this for myself, and I wish to be living witness of this for others.
I see myself and all beings, surrounded and held with unconditional compassionate love of spirit, and each other.

We can know this and hold this, regardless of outward appearances and  circumstances.
Spiritual Strength comes to us through grace, as a gift, and when we can't find it for ourselves,
the hearts of all the way showers and teachers, are available to us to borrow until we can.

I see divine spirit weaving us all together in a comforting and healing garment of Light.
I see all the merit of all the goodness of our lives reviving the world we pray for, for ourselves and our children.
That all beings may be happy.
That all beings may be peaceful and know ease of being.
That all beings may be safe, and protected from all harm.
That all beings may be well in body, mind and spirit.
And that all beings may come to know a perfect end of suffering and be free.

My heart is open, and I pray yours is too.
Please ask if you need me, and that will make it easier for me to do the same.

Comments and Questions always welcomed.