Showing posts with label goals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label goals. Show all posts

Sunday, June 1, 2008

It's June Already!

Today is officially June, and that means it's time to evaluate last month's goals and start thinking about this month.

May Goals:
  1. Finish Stitching CCN's "A Place We Call Home" - Accomplished 5/6/08
  2. Stitch and Finish Biscornu for MFC - Accomplished 5/15/08
  3. Stitch Blocks 2-4 of PS 12 Days of Christmas - Accomplished 5/30/08
  4. Start LHN's "Peach Tree Cottage" - Accomplished 5/31/08
I even managed to sneak in an extra project and get "Love and Faithfulness" from LHN/CC stitched up as well!

I got started on Peach Tree Cottage last night at 9 and stitched for about 15 minutes - long enough to constitute a start, but short enough to not have anything picture-worthy to show for it. I had a terrible headache last night and just couldn't stitch for long. But I give myself credit for pulling it all out to start so I could accomplish my final May goal.

Now for June Goals.

I'm hoping to get more accomplished this month and be a more focused stitcher than last month. So I'm giving myself more ambitious goals for June than I did for May.

My June Stitching Goals:
  1. Finish Stitching LHN's "Peach Tree Cottage"
  2. Stitch and Finish tin for MFC
  3. Stitch LHN/CC's "Peace"
  4. Stitch PS's "Peep"
  5. Stitch Calico Crossroads "AmeriKat"
  6. Stitch 2 PS "Santa Moon" designs
  7. Stitch Blocks 5-6 of PS "12 Days"
Well I hate to leave you without a picture, so I leave you with this picture of Cuddle Bug cooking in his playhouse with a bucket on his head:

Thanks for reading! I so enjoy all of your lovely comments!!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Happy May Day!

Wow 2 posts in one day! Seeing as how it's May 1st - I figure I better get my May stitching goals together :)

I completed all my April goals and I hope to do the same for May!

1. Finish CCN's "A Place We Call Home"
2. Start and Finish biscornu for MFC
3. Start and Finish Blocks 2-4 of PS 12 Days of Christmas
4. Start LHN's "Peach Tree Cottage"

I have decided what I want to do for my biscornu for May's Monthly Finishing Challenge. I'm going to do the frog biscornu freebie from Casey Buonaugurio. DH's aunt collects frogs and I have been wanting to do this for her. I'm not sure if I will be doing the flower motif on the back or if I will do something else just yet. But in the meantime I've decided on my fabric and pulled the threads I will need for the frog motif on the front. This will get started as soon as "A Place We Call Home" is finished up.

25 count cream Laguna

Friday, April 25, 2008

Another Start - My First CCN

I put a few stitches in CCN's "A Place We Call Home" this evening. I didn't get much done, but it was enough to officially count as a "start" and knock off my last stitching goal for April. I love this design! It's so sweet and lovely. I'm hoping it will be as much fun to stitch as it is beautiful.

My April Stitching Goals Progress Report:
  1. Finish "Thankful" freebie as a tin - Yes. I got it finished 4/3/08 and gifted it to my sister (no pics yet)
  2. Start and Finish Needle Roll for MFC - Yes. My very first needle roll! Completed 4/15/08
  3. Start and Finish "Have Faith" from Elizabeth's Designs - Yes. Completed 4/21/08
  4. Start and Finish Block 1 of PS 12 Days of Christmas - Yes. Completed 4/23/08. That's not bad since I added the goal near the end of the month!
  5. Start CCN's "A Place We Call Home" Yes. I started it 4/25/08
Since all my goals have been met, I'll be stitching on "A Place We Call Home" for the rest of the month and make finishing it my first May goal. I also can't wait to see what the MFC will be for May.

Thanks for all your support and encouragement!