Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.
Showing posts with label spring flowers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spring flowers. Show all posts

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Do Your Flower Beds Look Like This?

I love spring. :) And I love spring flowers. They remind me that God is still in control of this world, that no matter what happens to us and around us He will still bring the flowers in spring.

The mums are up!

And so is the Frog's Belly. :) I have no idea what this really is but my mother-in-law, who gave it to me, called it Frog's Belly so I do too.
I wonder if the Easter Lilies will be blooming by Easter this year....I doubt it. Last year it was almost June before they bloomed.

If you look close you can see the buds on the azalea. And behind it the periwinkle has a couple of stems already up.

This is the first time this rosemary as ever had any blooms on it, and there are only a couple, but isn't it a wonderful bush? I planted it 4 or 5 years ago.

This is a different kind of rosemary and it blooms all winter long.

How could anyone not love forsythia? It's what really makes spring look like spring!

These little forsythia were just tiny stems a couple of years ago and were given to me by a friend who shared from her bushes. They aren't growing fast, but they're growing!

This carolina jasmine is heavy with blooms. I think this is the most blooms I've seen on it in the six years we've lived here. When you stand beside there's a low roar from the honeybees flying in and out.

These pansies have bloomed all winter.

And the creeping phlox has grown right through the leaves - it's a hardy plant!

Are you wondering when we're going to get these beds cleaned out? So am I! I'm babysitting and my husband is fishing. Gotta get out there soon!