Insta @ needlework.crossings

Hi there sweet friends, nice of you to stop by!

Prim and folkart needlework designs of drab reds, browns, golds and greens are what I fancy.

Let's share stitchin, sewin, nestin, cookin, collectin, prims, critters and a lovin' mishmash of sweet life...
Showing posts with label needle book. Show all posts
Showing posts with label needle book. Show all posts

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Hi there, nice to hear from each of you over the last couple posts, thx so much for your kind comments:)  And my sincere thanks to those of you who've recently added my humble blog to your reading list, I do hope you'll enjoy visiting as much as I enjoy keeping in touch with you:)

A couple of you asked about *Distress It*, pics on that to share in a day or two, thx for asking dear friends:)  

This quiet Sunday morning was the perfect time to make something, so I whipped up this sweet and very tiny felted wool needle book.  Just a simple, fast, fun, hand assembled little place to park a couple needles, no machine required~in case you were wondering:)  Not perfect, could have used  smaller buttons, but used what I had, so I'm ok with it!  

If you fancy this and want details, tutorial is HERE.

And, well.... golly, the 10 minute thing~not so much, but still worth the few extra minutes:)

Wishing you a lovely Sunday evening with needle in hand and Sweet Stitchin...

Tootles, Sue