Musings from Brian J. Noggle
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Saturday, April 30, 2005
In the Wild, He'd Be Dinner When the frightening roofing salesman comes, Tristan hides under the bed: Badly. When You Don't Post Right Away When the missing Georgia woman appeared in New Mexico with a tale of abduction, I scented some fully-processed bovine food. But I didn't post fast enough, since she's admitted she was not abducted after all.
But Wilbanks soon recanted, according to police. Ray Schultz, chief of police in Albuquerque, said Wilbanks "had become scared and concerned about her impending marriage and decided she needed some time alone." He said she traveled to Las Vegas by bus before going to Albuquerque. But I'm just the suspicious type. That's why I have tapped my own phone to see what my beautiful wife is plotting. Friday, April 29, 2005
Headline: Heh What are the odds of that?
Of course, I oppose the legislation. It's arbitrary and capricious whimsy on the part of the government. 13, not 14. Why 13? Because that's how many boats currently exist or are pending. As a good libert Double Jeopardy and Three Strikes I don't favor recreational arson and illegal gun possession, but I'm happy with this ruling:
This ruling would indicate that pissed-off prosecutors won't get automatic life sentences for the criminal whom they convict if only the prosecutors can find or stretch three felony counts to blanket a single crime. Because you never know when blogging against law enforcement to incite changes in criminal laws , blogging across interstate lines, and excessive use of italics in blog posts might criminalized, and by a single act that doesn't neccesarily involve violence or wrongdoing, you might be eligible for life in prison. (Submitted as an entry to Outside the Beltway's Beltway Traffic Jam, if only the trackback thing would work.) Infighting Apparently, certain segments of organized labor oppose environmentalism:
The local began the picket about 7 p.m. and will continue its protest at the contaminated site until cleanup work is completed. That could take about three months. The cleanup is being done by Bodine Environmental of Decatur. Thursday, April 28, 2005
Spot the False Dilemma Perhaps following the lead of Washington University protesting students, high school students staged a protriot when the school district superintendent fired their best friend, the principal:
No, gentle reader, I just wanted to demonstrate my superior logic skills, gleaned from the several sessions of Philosophy 001 - Logic classes at Marquette University through which I did not sleep. Ergo, gaze upon the following passage and note the false dilemma:
Short Memory Some dude in the LA Times thinks Google should buy a newspaper: