Showing posts with label #lampworkbead. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #lampworkbead. Show all posts

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Neutral About It

I love working in glass with lots of color, but sometimes neutrals are a satisfying change.  That's the case with this seahorse (sold).  She has pink cheeks (CiM's Desert Pink for you glass friends who are wondering) but the rest is ivory, silvered ivory and some of Double Helix's murrine for eyes.  Her snout is one of the most fun parts to make- from thick to thin to widening out at the end.  It just takes a bit of heat control. So expect most of my beads to be colorful, because that fits with my whimsical style.  Neutral has a place in my heart too!

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Oh The Places I've Been

You might be wondering, "what is that little ugly lump of glass?" Well, I wanted to show you my first bead that I ever made. I was so delighted that somehow I had found some "magic" glass because part of it turned a kind of brick red. Little did I know, that I was holding it too close in to the flame and the copper was coming to the surface. lol. The ends are thin and sharp and of course it is very saggy and uneven. But it is a good reminder to keep. Of where I've been and where I want to go. And that we all start at the beginning and practice will make us so much better. 

So now I am done reminiscing. I just thought you might get a chuckle out of the ugly little mess that started a wonderful connection to art, fantastic friends, students and my tribe of people who all enjoy similar things.  I wanted to thank you for helping make my life such a joy. Blessings to you all.