Showing posts with label beginner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beginner. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

What Do You Need To Get Started in Lampworking?

This is a reader participation post.  I would love for you to comment and add to my ideas for what is needed when you're starting out to make glass beads.

One of my friends, who is a fuser, wants to teach herself.  She has a kiln and has decided upon a Hot Head Torch.  I think she has this book by Cindy Jenkins, which is my favorite beginner book already too.

So I asked my facebook friends what do they suggest as items that are needed when starting out and here are the responses, which I've edited for space reasons.
glass assortment bundle
Fusion bead release
safety glasses
how-to books
rod rest
cookie sheet to put under the torch to keep rods from rolling in your lap
tungsten pick
graphite paddle
ear plugs
water bowl
pliers or tweezers
tweezer mashers or barbecue mashers
aloe or burn cream

But now I'd like to ask you for your advice.  What does she need?  What are some pointers that you'd like to add?  Think "beginner".  What do you wish someone had told you, when you first started?