Showing posts with label crafts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crafts. Show all posts

Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday the 13th? It's Your Lucky Day. Be My Blog Buddy!

I've decided that I want to have an occasional guest blogger here.  And you might be just perfect for one of the openings.

You know, there are multiple reasons why we blog.  Sometimes it's to sell items from our Etsy shops.  Sometimes it's because we have something to say or show, or perhaps it's to increase our web presence.  Sometimes it's even to perform a service of some kind.  I'm sure there are lots of other reasons too.

I guess I'm kind of all of those in varying degrees plus some other stuff.  But I know there are a lot of other talented bloggers out there, who would love to increase their blog audience.  And I think doing a trade of a "guest shot" could do that.  

I seem to somehow have found that folks email me a lot asking me artist type business questions.  Many relate to marketing, etsy shops, facebook, twitter, social networking, etc.  And one of the topics is blogging.  How it helps get your name out to more folks.  

I'd like to do an experiment with a few of you.  Let's trade a post on a blog and see what our viewer ship does.  We'll both promote it and see if our numbers change at all.  

So what topics am I looking for?  Something relating to your art, or someone else's that is fun and entertaining.  Your art or craft doesn't need to be glass, but it could be about tools and materials, a cool studio, actual art or craft, or something along that line.  It could be showcasing what you do, if you'd like.  Just tell me in a paragraph or two what you'd like to write about.  and don't forget, that blogs need good pictures too.

And how will I choose?  I'll keep all submissions and look them over.  Then I'll see what I have scheduled for upcoming weeks and pick some that will complement the content that I'm already doing. And I'll contact you and let you know.  I'll just pick one or two at first and if it seems to work, I'll ask more of you for your submissions.

And then we'll both write about it - before and afterward.  How did the experiment work?  We'll look at from a personal as well as a business aspect.  Perhaps we'll start more people trading and increasing their presence as well.

So post any questions you have here about it.  That way everyone will know.  And please submit your ideas by this coming Wednesday to me via email.  Here's my address.  And we'll see how it goes.  You do not need to have equal readership to mine- less or more, doesn't matter.  But we'll see what we can do and everyone can learn in the process.  Now send me some submissions please!