Showing posts with label dale chihuly. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dale chihuly. Show all posts

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Seattle Center - Chihuly Possible Collaboration?

So have you seen in the news that the Space Needle folks are considering a Chihuly proposal for the Seattle Center? I read that they are asking the city to consider an art inspired playground and every local eight grader receives a free field trip to the Seattle Center. Wow!

I guess this is one of many proposals for the site, but the financial return includes $24 million over 20 years.

I've always been impressed with the Chihuly team's marketing skills. This seems to be another fantastic way to keep his name in the public eye and still benefit both sides. As artists, we often turn away from marketing- think it's too over the top or perhaps too much. But realistically, most artists need income to be able to make their art too. And many of us sell our work. So what do you think? Have an opinion? Here is the full article for you to read and then weigh in. I'd love to hear what you think.