Showing posts with label date. Show all posts
Showing posts with label date. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Bridging the Gap

While strolling around the island of Murano, our group happened to notice the roman numerals dating one of the bridges over the canal.

Trying to hearken back to our old elementary school days, (for me, back in the days of dinosaurs), we couldn't be exactly sure of the date.

So the next easiest thing to do, is to snap a quick photo and the double check our guesses.

But let's make this one step easier.

Ah the joy of the internet. I went to where it did the conversion for me.

This bridge was built in 1858. The roman numerals, in case you can't read them are: MDCCCLVIII.

It is a bit awesome, in the truest sense of the word, to contemplate who else has walked across the same little bridge. When being on a small island with so much history in my chosen glass art form, I have to stop and think about it. Who has gone before and who will travel across it after.

I hope my friends, if you haven't yet had the opportunity that some day you too will get the chance. And when you cross it and see the date, please pause for a second, remember this post and contemplate the same thing. How such a big world has become smaller with time and options- and remember those who have traveled before us and will come after too.