Showing posts with label deer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label deer. Show all posts

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Oh Deer!

How would you caption this?
I saw this photo which cracked me up.  What are those animals anyhow?  You get bonus points if you can tell me.  (I thought maybe they were lemurs, but couldn't find photos to match)

Post your caption for this photo and give us all a laugh.  And happy Sunday to you!

See you tomorrow.  Hopefully I'll have some photos of glass projects I've been working on.  They're stockpiled on my studio table.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Taking a Deep Breath This Time of Year

This time of year, it's good just to take a deep breath and remember what's important. All the gifts, family and other details need to take a backseat for a little bit.

I call it re-centering. It reminds me of when potters put the clay on their wheel and get it all aligned. I need to do that sometimes too.

These photos are from my neighborhood. The top one is the view at dawn out my window. The bottom left wild turkey was strolling through my front yard the other day and the deer is from a neighbor- (thanks Anita). She snapped it in her yard a few houses away.
For you, I wish a few deep breaths, if needed. And of course energy and happiness to enjoy the rest.

See you tomorrow. Have a great day.