Showing posts with label imagination. Show all posts
Showing posts with label imagination. Show all posts

Friday, February 3, 2012

Music To His Ears?

The outdoor extension cord draped over this lion's head fountain, gave me a double take from a distance.

Somehow, it kind of looks like he's wearing a headset and roaring along to the music.   What kind of music do you think he would enjoy?

Monday, October 12, 2009

Convergence II - Adorning the Past, Present & Pretend

This past weekend, ISGB members (International Society for Glass Beadmakers) received their notice of the next Call to Artists from the organization.

I love the creativity that is built into the theme. Here are the rules below and please note, you need to be a member of the ISGB (that's easy, just go to to join)



The International Society of Glass Beadmakers invites you to participate in our 2010 exhibition!Due to the incredible response we received for our 2009 project, Convergence, and with the depth of work that was submitted, we have decided to revisit the concept for a second year with a few updates. Convergence II is a juried show that will feature functional, wearable jewelry showcasing the use of handmade glass beads designed for an imaginary or historic figure.


What jewelry might Amelia Earhart have worn - a compass necklace or a pendant of a bird in flight?

What type of cufflinks would the Phantom of the Opera wear?

If Madeleine Albright was speaking to the General Assembly of the United Nations, what brooch would she wear?

What considerations would you make when designing a necklace for Marie Antoinette- would you make a heavily fortified choker?

Would you make an Art Nouveau style hair comb for Rapunzel?

The possibilities and interpretations are endless and the stories of inspiration, we think, will be amazing to share!

Here is your chance, either as a solo artist or with a partner or partners of your choice, to participate in this one-of-a-kind exhibition. Jewelry can include, but is not limited to, components such as seed beads, fine metal, PMC, fibers, etc. We encourage you to use multiple mediums for your work. The main focus of the piece, of course, must be the glass bead(s).

Our mission is to once again showcase how handmade glass beads are incorporated into exhibition-quality jewelry, to develop a purchase-on-demand ISGB catalog of the exhibition pieces, and to publish selected jewelry with tutorials in various glass-related publications. We will also produce and make available a wonderful art card of the exhibition!

The exhibition will open in Rochester, NY at the 18th Annual Gathering. From there, Convergence II will travel to several different locations over the next twelve (12) months. In June 2011, Convergence II will be on display at the Bead&Button Show in Milwaukee and it will close in Ohio in July 2011.

To participate, complete and submit the online entry form at


· The entry deadline will be February 24, 2010. The entry fee is $35 for your 1st submission; additional entries are $20 each. This fee is due, along with the photographs of your piece by the deadline date. No exceptions, please.

· Should you decide to participate with a partner or partners, you will be responsible for contacting, confirming, and collaborating directly with your partner(s). You will need to meet all deadlines and participate in the project directly with your partner(s). If you participated in the Convergence I project, you may partner with the same person again; this is your own choice.

· ISGB and independent representatives will jury the exhibit. ISGB will notify you regarding acceptance.

· You are responsible for the cost of all materials.

· Design your glass beads and jewelry knowing that you may be asked to share instructions for them in print. Keep detailed notes about all materials (including specific quantities and sources), techniques, etc. in case your design is selected for publication. Artists retain all rights to original designs and instructions*.

You must be a member of ISGB in good standing to participate in Convergence II. Your partner, however, is not required to be a member.

We hope you decide to take part in this exciting event!

*You are not required to share your instructions in order to participate.

Questions? Contact Sarah Riggle at or 1-866-473-4742.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Inspiration + Imagination ~ Non Traditional Shapes for Your Beads

Feeling like you might be in a bead shape rut? How about looking to non traditional shapes that are right in front of you? There are books all over the internet that would work beautifully, and one of my choices includes books on perfume bottles. Just think of all the gorgeous shapes waiting to happen. Using these beautiful shapes as inspiration doesn't mean that you need to make perfume bottles too, borrow the shapes and see where your imagination will take you.

(And then of course, show me, because I'd always like to see what you do!)