Showing posts with label inner artist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label inner artist. Show all posts

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year! Let Your Artist Out This Year.

Happy New Year my friends. I hope you had a fun celebration last night.

So have you made your New Year Resolutions? I haven't. I decided to wait a little bit to do it. I want to take time to contemplate what mine were last year, and where I am with those.

One thing I've noticed, is the increase in artists choosing to make this next year a creativity year. I have at least three friends who have mentioned that they will be working on their artistic views more than filling an online shop, teaching or doing more of the day to day selling activities. They plan to blog more often too.

I salute them. I think a lot of us tend to get caught up in the smaller- what will sell today mode, and don't take the time to really let our inner artist play, find new styles and even take time to think about what we really want to do.

So if you have plans to create more- how about sharing them with us. What are you going to do? Tell us. If you have a blog, feel free to post it too. Let's increase our creativity in 2010 and share with all.

See you Sunday with my next blog installment. As always, I'm taking Saturday off.