Showing posts with label isgb gathering teacher. Show all posts
Showing posts with label isgb gathering teacher. Show all posts

Friday, August 10, 2012

I'm So Happy To Be Home

I heart being home!

Okay, so I admit that I wasn't posting as much as I'd like over the last three week, but I was busy!  While at the Gathering, I taught a 2 day class, co-taught a teaching the teacher class, was filmed and then spoke for the International Society of Glass Beadmakers conference, and participated in all the activities.  Then before the first conference was over, I joined a second conference also in Washington where I taught three classes and participated in that group's activities as well.  (Plus I got a little sightseeing!)  Then I came home and my daughter arrived for her visit prior to leaving for Antarctica next week.  You know how when you want to get in every available minute with someone how you kind of give up on sleeping the amount you should?  Yes, that's me.

I can very easily admit...I'm kind of tired.

So this weekend will be a bit slower.  I'm still unpacking, cleaning, and reassuring my wonderful cat Zeus, that I'm home for a bit.

 I am also teaching a "Beach" class at Flametree Glass tomorrow from 12-2, in case you want a quick sculpture class (  I know there's still a little room, in case you'd like to join us.

I'll post more later this week to fill you in on my prior weeks' adventures and some of my purchases.  (making sure the economy stays strong, you know?)  Glad to be back.  See you Sunday.