Showing posts with label kiln annealer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kiln annealer. Show all posts

Monday, November 15, 2010

Cooking in Your Kiln- Yes, You Read It Right

Earlier this month, I posted on facebook that I was curious how others had used their kiln besides for their art. I received a lovely assortment of responses...

Besides the typical form for heating drinks or keeping them warm, there were quite a few folks who make pizza in theirs.

But it was intriguing to read about some of the other creative answers...Gwynne has cooked a turkey in hers. Rashan has made beer can chicken and was so sweet to pass on this website which gives recipes for cooking a turkey and also for a New York Steak (pictured above). I can't wait to try them!

Of course other glass peeps mentioned that they use their torches for cooking too- hot dogs, s'mores, pop tarts and creme brullee. And one of my favorite responses, this one from Leah, mentioned that she had heard that an artist did a demo where she cast ladles of glass out of the furnace and then cooked pancakes on it. Oh, how I'd love to see that.

Now, one more thing...if you haven't friended me on facebook yet, I really wish you would. There's a great network of artists there and what fun it is to see what everyone is doing. Just click the link above.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Contests and Fun Stuff in the Glass World

This is my "Breezy" entry for Mary Lockwood's Glass Olympics. We are to interpret Spring, as a theme. If you have a minute, could you please go and comment on it? We need to get that ball rolling, so other visitors will do it too. And check out all the entries. There are beauties.

Fire Mountain Gems is hosting their 2009 Beading Contest. There are all kinds of categories, but of course I'll focus on the glass one, which includes lampwork. Here's what it says:
Glass: Calling all glass! Create masterful art and jewelry pieces with Czech fire-polished, Czech pressed glass, opalite, goldstone, rainbow "stone," bumpy beads, lampworked glass, liquid glass, dichroic glass and glass components ... the Fire Mountain Gems and Beads Jewelry Maker's Comprehensive Catalog's the limit! Due by April 15th. Be sure to read all the rules, because there are some. A certain percentage of your jewelry needs to be made from Fire Mountain products, etc.

Due by April 1st, is the Annealer Magazine's "In Time for the Holidays" contest. There are two glass related categories including beads and off mandrel pieces. You'll need to read the extensive, but very easy to understand rules for it. Come on, why not! (and here's the Annealer's facebook link too.

If you know of other contests or call for artists, please post them in the comments section.  I know there are a lot more out there.  Thanks!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Annealing Your Food- Or How My Friend Won the Southern Flames Appetizer Contest

Our ISGB (International Society of Glass Beadmakers) Chapter, Southern Flames enjoyed our December holiday meeting at Beads by Design with an Appetizer & Dessert Challenge and a raffle for a small Christmas Tree decorated with members' lampwork bead ornaments last Wednesday evening.

I had to show you my friend Linda's very creative (WINNING) entry in the Appetizer competition.  

Who says presentation isn't important?  Linda converted her warming tray to make a faux annealer complete with a bead door to house her kabob appetizers on sticks.  Of course to a beadmaker, they absolutely looked like lentils, barrels and other typical bead shapes on   mandrels.  They were mini hotdogs and hamburgers with the sauce and trimmings.    

That's Linda (our Southern Flames "Web Mama") on the left in the top photo waving her winning appetizer and our friend Kim watching.  The bottom photo is a closer photo of Linda's creativity. To see their beads and others in Southern Flames, visit our member pages.

We had so much going on that night, that there will be a few blog posts showing photos of some of our members and the fabulous raffled Christmas tree and its lampwork ornaments. 

If you don't have a chapter or a local club, I highly recommend starting one.  You can do that with the help of your ISGB Regional Director. Canadians and other International peeps, you have a Director too!  That link is for all chapters and contacting your RD.

The camaraderie, hints, collaborations and sharing really can bond you together and provide some wonderful times.  I treasure our local group.  We're all different personalities coming together through friendship and and the love of glass.

See you tomorrow with another post and more glass peeps.