Showing posts with label loren stump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label loren stump. Show all posts

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Flameworking Icons

It's not often that you see two glass icons working in the same room, while you're in class.  We were lucky to have Hans Godo Frabel stop by FlameTree Glass during our Loren Stump class.

He was showing owner, Lance McRorie how he makes his gorgeous large holiday ornaments (I so wish I had gotten a photo of it, so beautiful).  And Loren hadn't had a chance to see him work before either. I snapped a quick picture from across the room.  I didn't want to bother them.  But to see two flameworking icons sitting together and chatting, was pretty special.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Snow White From My Loren Class

I wanted to show you a couple of photos from my Loren Stump 'Toon class.  He made this Snow White  during class.  It started out when I naively asked, "can you show me how you would make a simple small and sweet princess face?  I get asked to do them for Beads of Courage sometimes."

I thought it would be a 10-15 minute response, but obviously, it wasn't.

We got to see her from start to finish.  Looking at my little kids' Disney book for reference.  Choosing the rods colors.  (he is a fan of Creation is Messy's glass for skin colors).  Making the face murrine as shown in the background. And even Maureen McRorie heating up masses of rods for the yellow skirt.  Wish I had gotten a photo of that.  She had both hands full of rods over the biggest flame melting them as quickly as possible.  It was a delight to see him work like that and this Snow White is now living at FlameTree Glass.

And yes, the top half had to be garaged for part of it.  And she had to be reworked a bit with some of the crown popping off.  We learned how to fix things and what started out as just a "head" being done to show me, turned into a full person.  And one of the things I really noticed is how hard it is to keep those arms from moving around while the rest is being done.  I should have asked him why they weren't put on last.

I have one more photo from class that deserves its own post.  So you'll see that in the future.  Have a happy day.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Class Starts Today

Besides teaching glass, I love taking glass classes.  This week, I'm taking a Loren Stump class called "Toons".  I think it will be time to channel our inner Disney.  The Disney I always liked was Cinderella and their wonderful movies when I was growing up.  But sometimes we get requests from Beads of Courage, that definitely call for other Disney skills.  I'm hoping to learn from one of the best and to learn other skills that will apply to my other work that I do.  I know the class will be great fun and it's a my local glass shop, FlameTree Glass.  They are great folks.

So my blog posts might be a bit intermittent over the next few days. But I will show you what we make and chat about what I'm learning.

See you sometime soon

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Live Broadcasts from Corning

Yesterday, I was delighted to watch some of Loren Stump's live stream from Corning.  He was working on a set up for a paperweight and it was *almost* as good as being there.  Nothing equals being in the same room with a teacher.

So next Wednesday from 11-12 Eastern, I'm planning on heading back again to Corning's UStream Channel.  Lucio Bubacco and Paul Stankard will be live then.  (And teaching that class that I really wanted to be in!)  So click here for the days and times, as well as the archived streaming.  It would be fun if more teaching studios did this.

See you tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Loren Stump Demo

Loren Stump did a fantastic demo last Friday evening at FlameTree Glass.  For 2.5 hours, he filled the standing room only audience with glass stories, feats of "magic" - okay, well it was glass magic and tons of fabulous information. He made a grinch like murrine and then applied it to a tiny grinch sculpture and placed it into a snow globe.  Thanks Loren.  It was great.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Tonight- Demo by Loren Stump at FlameTree Glass

I'm excited about tonight's free demo by glass master, Loren Stump at FlameTree Glass in Atlanta.

Loren has been teaching his week long beginners' class and offered to do a demo for our local Southern Flames chapter. What a nice gesture.

I'm hoping that he will have his new tools to show us. You can see them here.

See you tomorrow. It will be a personal post...(pssst, it's my birthday!)