Showing posts with label organization. Show all posts
Showing posts with label organization. Show all posts

Friday, September 23, 2011

Extreme Organization

It seems like some folks have "the gift".  Now to some of you it's natural and to some of us, well, it's an understatement to say it's not natural.

Meet Swiss artist and comedian Ursus Wehrli who has the gift.  Here is what he does to a bowl of fruit salad.

And to be totally entertained, click here for his NPR interview and mini blog post about some of his other projects.  I'm guessing whether you've got "it" or not, you'll be entertained.

And now I'm off to write him a fan letter in case he'd like an extreme case to house!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Color Choice. Which Would You Choose?

I am the proud new owner of of some map and chart type drawers.  My husband found them for me, and I always wanted to put my glass in them to keep it cleaner and more organized.

The downside is that they're a little rusty and crusty, which will require some good scouring and new paint. (and crossed fingers that the drawers move a little more easily.)

So now I get to choose my paint color  I'm thinking something like a Rustoleum product, might be the best for them.   And I'm not sure which one to choose.  There are of right now.  Aqua is my favorite color.  Oh surely I love many, but this shade always makes me smile.  It reminds me of the beach and happiness,

 Then there's my other side - the practical me, (my inner Gemini is showing).  I wonder if a nice, basic neutral might be easier on the eyes, and just blend a bit more, as the years go on.  I like this khaki shade of neutral.  It would go with everything.
The glass will be hidden away inside of the drawers once it's painted. I'm going for a little more organization in the's currently a little too crazy in there right now.  So many items and too little space- a typical artisan's lament.

So what do you think?  Which would you choose?