Showing posts with label peacock. Show all posts
Showing posts with label peacock. Show all posts

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Neiman Marcus Christmas Wish Book Is Out!

If I had my choice, the term, "bah humbug!" would be outlawed. Yes, I'm one of those crazy Christmas lovers.

It's not the gifts that I'm to receive, nor is it exactly the buying of gifts...(I'm one of those who loves handmade- both giving and receiving). But it's more the magic and child like joy of the holiday that I love the most.

So I have to say, I'm always delighted when the
Neiman Marcus Christmas Book makes its debut. You see, they work really hard to find some very unusual as well as down right gorgeous items to place inside of it.

Before writing this, I wondered if I should just focus on the "sublime" items. Yes, jewels abound, high tech gadgets and things that you will probably never need in all of your life. But instead, I chose some objects that appeal to me.

The double page of blues really caught my eye. I love the deep jewel like colors and the interesting pattern on the blouse and the textural qualities of the funky jewelry.

And what I would really delight in are the cupcake cars that are pictured below. Oh what a hoot!
This car originated at Burning Man, (another item on my bucket list-maybe someday I'll be the oldest person in attendance) and was designed as an art car that tops out at 7 mph. Oh how I'd love to toodle over to the grocery store in this sweet little vehicle and putter around the neighborhood giving little children and fun adults a nice ride. It only retails for $25,000.
Maybe it's time to start buying lottery tickets?

So give it whirl and stop by the Neiman Marcus Christmas Book

And I'll see you tomorrow. Right here,

Monday, August 31, 2009

Peacock Feathers Everywhere

Well you've gotta love 'em. Peacock feathers have always had a bit of a mystical feeling to them. The gorgeous colors, the eye in the middle and the way they shimmer, just a little bit.

Thought I'd show you two dresses that incorporate them. (although, just wondering- who would wear the first one?)

The second one seems infinitely more wearable and rather sweet, actually.

Enjoy the fashion trend and I bet you've seen some lovely lampwork peacock beads as well. I know I have. As well as door knobs too.

Have any glass url's that you'd like to share that are of the peacock variety? Add them into the comment section so we can all see your work or that of your friends.

See you tomorrow for more glass chat.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Keely the Peacock & Her Reason For Being

Meet Keely the Peacock. Now before I get emails reminding me that female peacocks are generally called peahens and they don't have the same plumage, please read further first.

Keely is a fashion forward pea-chick and she is wearing feather extensions. She feels it's unfair that in her world, the guys get all the attention and she wants to bring it back to where it belongs...the girls, of course.

I made Keely for a couple of reasons.
1. I had an assignment for my creativity class to make something that would work like a talisman or remind me of something special. Keely was made to remind me to toot my own horn a bit when I'm around people. I tend to downplay what I do when I'm in public and she reminds
me to speak up a bit more.

2. I had some new silver glass to try and I wondered how it would look used as stripes on her and then I added the peacock "eyes" over the top. Because of the colors that I got from the silver glass, I muted the rest of the colors, so she isn't quite as "jewel toned" as most peacock interpretations go.

3. I wanted to try making something I've never made before. I'm not sure what part of my personality makes me like this, but I love trying new shapes and designs all the time. (the Gemini in me?) Repetition is much harder for me. It's the googling for references, thinking about the shapes, and then choosing the colors. Sometimes it works out better than other times.
By the way, the white spots are just photography reflections.

Keely and all her feather extensions are available in my Etsy shop. If you need a reminder to speak up about your art work, then perhaps she's right for you.

See you tomorrow,