Showing posts with label penguins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label penguins. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Penguin Party

Well it's that time of year.  My daughter has returned to Antarctica to work.  Luckily, there is an easy way for her to communicate with us, despite the cold, windy weather.  (It was -10 the other day).  This photo of Emperor Penguins found down there, which was on one of their websites.

And here's an Adelie Penguin.  Cute little thing, isn't it?  My daughter has photos of these type of penguins following some runners during a marathon.  They look like the Happy Feet movie kind.

See you tomorrow.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Going Green

  My daughter has left "the ice" and is in greener pastures...literally.

With her job in Antarctica over, my daughter has left the volcanic rock and ice shelf and is now enjoying an extended camping and climbing tour around New Zealand and Australia.

Hope you've enjoyed the tidbits about Antarctica.  I know for me, it's been an education about a very different life style.

She has said that she's happy to see sunsets again.  The 24 hour sunlight was a very different environment.  And although we haven't chatted with her since she landed in the next continent, we know that she's filling her senses with people, pets, vegetation and probably lots of fresh veggies and spicy food.  Kiwis watch out.  If you see a banjo toting young woman who enjoys wearing purple and red together, you might just have spotted her.

 Thanks for the mini vacation while I'm teaching. We're back to glass topics tomorrow.  See you then.