Showing posts with label salvador dali. Show all posts
Showing posts with label salvador dali. Show all posts

Friday, May 22, 2009

Dali Joins The Perspectives Corning Exhibit

I'm so very happy to announce that my Salvador Dali glass bobblehead was juried in to the Perspectives exhibit to be shown in Corning, NY this summer.

It will showcase ISGB (International Society of Glass Beadmakers) members' work. We were asked to submit a bead that best captured our "inspiration, innovation and our personal voice."

The Perspectives' participant slideshow on the ISGB website is filled with amazing beads. You can find it here.

I found creating the famous, not so famous and the infamous as bobblehead subjects was quite fun and rather unique. So that was where I turned when I read about this call for artists.

Dali's unique mustache and dapper way of dressing was unique and easily recognizable. I had wanted to make his mustache 3-D, so that it stuck out, but being so thin and delicate, I worried that it would not survive being shipped across the country twice. So it became surface decoration.

And finally, I wanted him to have a cool beadstand that didn't compete with the form, but complemented it. So I looked to his artwork and chose a color he used often and added a simplified version of the dripping clock that is one of his noteworthy details. Uncomplicated, but you know whose stand it is.

I just had to share my excitement with you and the fabulous slideshow. Have a happy weekend.