Showing posts with label surgery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label surgery. Show all posts

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Check Out Glow Joe's Glass Up For Grabs

My buddy, Joe Imler (Glow Joe) needs surgery and to pay for it, he is selling off his marble and glass collection, while others are donating glass art/beads/cash to add to his fund.

Joe is a cool guy. His Glow Powders are used by soft glass artists as well as his new rods for boro workers. I've always loved glow in the dark items and Joe is the one who has brought it to our glass world.

Well darn it, he needs a little help from his friends. It's time to put on your shopping hats or donating if you prefer and help get Joe out of his painful situation.

Hop on over to his website that he's set up specifically for the surgery fund, and join in the fun. I've already bought one piece and I'm still debating over another.

And of course I had to show this one Lewis Wilson piece that just makes me drool. It's out of my budget, (and my birthday is nowhere close by), so I thought I'd post it in case someone who can afford it, can scoop it up.

See you tomorrow for more creativity, inspiration and glass chat right here,

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Hearts For Tanya

One of the nicest folks on facebook and fellow Etsy seller, Tanya Boden is needing a little help. She has an expensive surgery scheduled, because her pain is so horrendous and as so many of us artists find, not enough funds to cover it.

Her blog explains her illness/intense pain and the special deal she has going on in her shops to help increase sales. Read carefully so you find the discount codes and deals.

This morning, I went shopping in her etsy store and found some great goodies. She lives in Thailand and has the totally inexpensive one price shipping rate of $3.50 for everything.

There are a lot of fellow artists who are selling items earmarked for donations to her. Some of them can be found here. And here is a link for direct donations.

See you tomorrow for more glass and creativity..

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Ah....Tuesday. Day After Surgery

Yesterday was the second day of surgery for Ms. Pris the Fish, pictured above. Being the Sturgeon Surgeon, I feel comfortable discussing her surgery and I do have her permission in writing. (This doesn't sound a little fishy, does it?)

Anyhow, when traveling to her new owner, Ms Pris suffered a partial fin detachment. This hasn't happened before, and I"m knocking on wood, that it doesn't happen again. Anyhow, the new owner sent her back to me, for an operation to reattach her left bottom portion of her fin.

After the complicated, but successful surgery, I noticed that Ms. Pris was now suffering from what her grandmother fish would call "Lazy Fish Eye". So she went under again for additional surgery to correct that. She has decided to be brave and honest that she did have a lift done at that time and also her lips were redone. She felt that she was looking more like Melanie Griffith and wanted lips more like Angelinas. So that was done too.

I'm happy to report that she's resting and feeling almost like a new fish...but not quite. Here are the before (Top) and after (Bottom) photos. You'll notice that she was photographed under different conditions, so the colors are not quite the same.

Dr. StudioMarcy