Showing posts with label teaching. Show all posts
Showing posts with label teaching. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Hot Times in Asheville, NC

So do we look busy?  Here is just a small portion of the group from Hot Times this year.  We all look so focused, but there was a ton of laughs and chatting going on too.  We were just caught at the right time!

The demonstrators were Becky Mason and her sister Diane Woodall, Ann Scherm Baldwin (Schermo) and Terry Hale.  We all learned new things, tried out each others' tools, different glass, and traded tips and tricks.

I was delighted to help some of the members of the group with their sculptural projects.

Can you pick me out of the group?  Lots of blondes at our table.

I'll post more, but wanted to give you the highlights with the demonstrators first.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Spring-apalooza Bead Class in NC!

We're all waiting for Spring to hurry up and get here!  And that's the theme of my fun glass sculpting class at Marilyn Peraza's N.C.  studio- March 12-13th.  If you're an advanced beginner or higher, you'll have fun learning bunnies, off mandrel flowers that we'll make into rings, birds and of course gnomes- which helps you learn simple faces, a little body movement and.... hair!  There will also be one special project that you will design with my help.  woot!  Lots of smiles,  good times and personal attention.  Come join the fun!  Class is limited to 6 students.  Hope to see you there.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Guess What I'm Doing?

Guess what I'm doing today?

Look down the checklist for the fourth bullet. I'm teaching a private lesson. But this isn't just any private lesson, it's one where my student came from out of state and is staying for a few days. Oh boy, it's fun!

We started on Tuesday and will go through Friday. It's mostly about sculpture and learning how to look at photos and 3D items and translate them into glass. There are different steps and techniques to learn along the way which is what we're following, but at the end, we'll have plenty of time for specific beads that she wants to learn. I hear dragons, mermaids and angels are on that list.

So if you don't see me around quite so much, I'm having a ball working with my friend. Lots of glass, chatting and learning all going on at once.

See you tomorrow- same time, same place.