Showing posts with label trip. Show all posts
Showing posts with label trip. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Washington, DC Visit

I've been in Washington DC for the last few days.  And we unfortunately just missed their Cherry Blossom Festival.  There were good things and not so good things about our visit.

Not so good- it was sad laying my mother-in-law to rest at Arlington, next to her husband.  But a really great thing was seeing my daughter Sparky.  It's been 11 months and there is a lot to catch up on.  I love having my entire family together.  My son, Grant, came out too.  And my husband's family was here as well- and they, quite honestly, can be a barrel of fun. 

So I'll tell you more in a future post. As usual, we had a few adventures.  But just wanted to fill you in on where I've been.  I'll post photos when I get home later today and can download them.  

See you tomorrow bright and early...

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Back from Italy and....

I feel like I have a bit of a split personality...both happy and sad to have returned from my wonderful trip to Italy.

Knowing it was a chance in a lifetime, I enjoyed every minute there. Made new friends, saw lots of sights and took an amazing class with Lucio Bubacco.

Over the next couple of weeks, I'll post photos and share with you a little more of what I saw and experienced in my adventure.

For now, I'll leave you with this shot of one of the small Venetian canals. I could never get enough of these types of views...perhaps it's the old watercolor artist in me. But to my eye, the combination of the slightly crumbling textures along with the glassy water, makes a composition worth looking at twice.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Fire and Brimstone Rocks On!

So what exactly are "whoremongers"? I'm trying to figure this out. Is it similar to fishmongers who sell fish?

As promised, I decided to show you the quirky side of my weekend trip. One of the highlights was this billboard, which absolutely amazed me. I mean, what are they trying to say?

So I started thinking about divorce and television put into that same category, as well as where is this lake of fire, and can I melt glass with it?

If anyone has any insight to this billboard, or perhaps a joke that can go with it, I'd love to hear it.

Now for the even lighter side.

While driving, one of the things that cracked me up was that there was a building. One side was a Medical Emergency Care Center, like what we call "Doc in a Box", and the other side of the building was a gun and ammo shop. Life's little jokes all rolled into one place.

And - can you believe this? I saw people herding cattle while driving golf carts. That was so cute. I hope they got them rounded up before their batteries went dead.

And - we saw floating condos at the lake. Complete with tiny kitchenettes and bathrooms. First thought was, "where does the waste go- I'm not swimming near there", and then someone explained that it was contained and disposed of properly. Whatever that euphemism means. Honestly, they looked like fun. Tiny little barrack looking buildings lined up along little docks with a place to park your boat. You can rent ski-dos or whatever they're called and drive them right up to your back porch. I'm kind of thinking that could be a rip.

Soon, I'll write about one little town that we passed through, which made me think that time can actually stand still. Maybe my next post. (then i promise to get back to glass and melting it.)

take care,