Showing posts with label venting machine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label venting machine. Show all posts

Friday, March 11, 2011

Venting Machine

Artists Katja Kublitz and Ronnie Yarisal have created an "Anger Release Machine" which is stocked with cute little porcelain cats, beautiful vases and other highly breakable items.

It makes me laugh- you pay for the item and just like the vending machine in its other life, the coils slowly push forward and release the item.  It falls onto the bottom of the bin and smashes.

I'm not sure whether that is then "containing one's anger".  And I also wonder if there are nearby mosaic artists who can then reuse the remnants...

It makes me laugh even more imagining someone being furious who would pop down to their local anger release machine to pay for it to break something for them.  "Hang on a sec love, I'm seeing red, but need to find a few bills and a brisk walk, so I can release this anger."  Ah, I love art.