Showing posts with label zeus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label zeus. Show all posts

Friday, June 14, 2013

Lights Out...Tornado Warnings

Sing along with me, "it was a rainy night in Georgia"....
Last night was a little eventful, but we were lucky.

Well, the storm that blew through Atlanta last night was full of wind, rain, trees down, tornado sirens and more than enough minor drama to last me for the summer.  Our electricity flicked quite a few times and finally went out.  I hadn't been in a dark house with no air conditioning at night (yikes!) in quite a while.

I'm glad my phone and iPad were charged, but sad they didn't work too well, as I didn't have a battery operated radio to find out what was going on outside.  My cat Zeus and I (and eventually Keith), were in a basement windowless room staying safe.

So when the noise died down, of course we went exploring. Keith needed to charge his phone through his truck, so we went for a drive to see what happened.  I caught this sunset on my iPad so you could see how vibrant it was and the cool clouds.

So today, I'll fix up a "Storm Box" that I didn't have together before.  I already have a few flashlights, candles and lighters.  But I'm going to dig out my old squirt bottle battery operated fans for it, too.  And maybe a pack of cards and an unread paperback novel.  And a list of things I need to gather up quickly next time...

And one thing I learned last night...showering by candlelight is kind of fun.  Think I won't wait for a storm to do that again.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Zeus and the Glass Smalti

I was trying to figure out why my cat Zeus was so interested in certain bowls of my mosaic glass smalti.  The top right one seemed particularly interesting.

I won't ever understand how cats think.  Especially this one, but I think I figured out this one.  It was close to dinner time, Sometimes he eats out of bowl and the smalti was pink.  I think he was hoping it was shrimp or something tasty.

Instead it's a tasty treat for someone else. I shipped out my spares to a friend who will give them a good home and turn them into lovely art.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A Word from Zeus

My cat, Zeus wanted to say hi, because he thinks he needs attention.  I'm sleeping in today after a quick trip out of town yesterday. I will be back tomorrow with photos and stories of my adventures in New Orleans.

(Did you notice the "M" on his forehead?  That's for Marcy)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Meet The New Guy In My Life- Zeus

I have to admit I'm sweet on a new guy in my life.  Meet Zeus- adopted on Sunday from Good Mews (a local no kill shelter).  He lived with about 80 cats, so choosing the best cat for our house was going to be a challenge.  Until I saw him plop down in the middle of a very busy and hectic room and just waited for someone to pet him.  I could tell that he had enough "mellowness" and "quirkiness" that should fit with my family.

I was right.  We all quickly adapted and now I have a buddy for all my time working at home.  Except I have a feeling there will be fewer hours on the clock.  We seem to take swatting for feather breaks and hang out together for serious purring breaks too.  Look for Zeus beads in the future too.