Showing posts with label News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label News. Show all posts

Friday, July 3, 2009

Moving Along

There goes that time flying away again! Half of the year is gone and I feel more excited about resolutions and changes than I did during the start of the new year.

I have so much to share and can't wait to get around to it. I have been busy working on my Wreck This Journal project; drawing; art journaling; playing around with some prototypes of ideas that are floating around in my head; taking spontaneous vacations and road trips; hanging out with friends and family; and PACKING.

Yes, the packing has begun. In a couple of weeks, the family and I will be moving into a new place. We're getting ready for some new adventures and hoping to dispose of old habits along the way.

Unfortunately, that means having to go on a blog hiatus. So please check back from time to time, I may surprise you with a post here and there! If the packing, moving, and unpacking goes well . . . I should be back by the 27th (maybe the week after at the latest).

When I return I should have more to share on art journaling, journal wrecking, card making, paper crafting, or maybe something on being another year older.

Here is to goals, changes, resolutions, surprises, and freedom. Enjoy this wonderful month and see you all soon! And to those in the USA, have a happy Independence Day!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I Shall Return!

There are many things scheduled on my plate this week and next, including celebrating my wedding anniversary.  With that in mind, I'm going to take a short blog break and return on June 1st.  

Have a great end of May!  See you soon!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Wreck This Journal

It's less than three weeks away and I can't wait! The Next Chapter, which is kind of like an interactive book club blog, start their new book choice on June 5th. This time instead of a normal book to read, it is going to be a journal of sorts: Wreck This Journal by Keri Smith.

It's an interesting journal that challenges you to take it and deface it in many ways - to loosen up and have fun. Dragging it around, scribbling, doodling, rubbing dirt, ripping out pages, and the list goes on! You can find even more examples at the book's official site.

I already have my book in hand and can't wait to play! Anyone else care to join me at the Next Chapter?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Be back next week, whether or not I get this scanner working!

Friday, April 10, 2009


Let's see . . .
From the time of my last post . . . 

Broken monitor replaced?  check!

Computer upgraded?  check!

Getting everything reinstalled?  check!

Scanner up and running? sigh . . .

Besides running around like a crazy person and enjoying life away from the computer, I have actually been working on a few things!  Hoping to have my scanner up and running this weekend, between appointments, Easter visits, and other plans - then hopefully I can share what has been going on.

Have a great Easter weekend everyone!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Excuse Me

Please excuse my absence! I've just been enjoying life with my family, the beautiful spring sunshine and cool breezes, and am in a desperate attempt to make my creation area (and other parts of my home) more manageable and less cluttered. Be back soon!

Thursday, March 19, 2009


I'm now giving Twitter a try! You can follow me here on my blog (on my sidebar), or on my twitter page. Come join me!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Save Handmade

The biggest news in the handmade world right now is the law that is supposed to start on February 10th. It will affect all handmade sellers that produce items for children under 12 and could potentially put them out of business.

Save Handmade!

To find out more about this and to help handmade sellers all around, please check out the Buy Handmade blog. It's not too late to help out.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Beginnings

Happy New Year!
It's a great time for new beginnings such as the beginning of this blog. I'm always in the need to just create, so I hope to share pieces of me and my creations here.

Welcome to my little home on the internet!