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Keep reading, it gets even more outragous as it goes along.Someone has gone to a great deal of trouble to produce a document accusing journalist and activist William Arkin of serving as a spy for Saddam Hussein.
"There are a lot of reasons, I guess, why people would want to do me harm," Arkin said yesterday. One, he said, is the recent publication of his book "Code Names: Deciphering U.S. Military Plans, Programs and Operations in the 9/11 World." Another, he noted, is a series of past scoops that embarrassed the Bush administration.
The Pentagon says the supposed Defense Intelligence Agency cable is a forgery. Arkin says it's "chilling" and is demanding an investigation. The NBC News military analyst says he became aware of the bogus document when a Washington Times reporter called about the spying allegation and sent him a copy.
Defense Secretary William S. Cohen remarked recently that Bill "has access to more intelligence information than anyone I know." Senior CIA officials, too, have criticized him during closed hearings before Congress regarding his news reporting based on extraordinary access to classified information.Hmmm...maybe he's a member of the Jeff Gannon Press Corps. Since they're (of course) not going to investigate it, we might as well have fun speculating.
Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld once told him: "You are drilling holes in the Pentagon and sucking out information."