Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Waiting for the Next Big Vote

Don't you wish they cared as much about Health care? Or ending the war?

As we wait for the next historic vote, and all the sound bites that will accompany it, I would like to point out a little something.

In 2008, Ford, GM and Chrysler all received a 25 billion dollar loan from the US government. They will receive another 25 billion next year. What have you received for your hard earned tax dollars?

37% decline at Chrysler, a 34% decline at Ford and an expected 24% drop at GM.

Wow, that was a good investment.

What did the CEO's make?

"Alan Mulally, Ford president and chief executive officer, earned $2,000,000 in salary and received incentive bonus awards of $7 million. Total 2007 compensation was $21,670,674, which includes salary, bonuses, the Company-recognized expense for stock options and other stock-based awards, as well as all other compensation."

"GM chairman and chief executive officer Rick Wagoner received compensation valued at $15.7 million for 2007, up 64 percent from the previous year."

I can't find 2007's pay for Chrysler's Robert Nardelli but he was booted from Home Depot for running the company into the ground. He left Home Depot early in 2007 with a 210 Million dollar payout.


And we're going to give these folks more?

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Monday, July 14, 2008

The Fog Rolls In

I’m back… if you don’t count the fact that I’m sitting on a porch watching an enormous fog bank creep in off the ocean.

I still haven’t read a paper in over a week I’m hoping someone got Jesse Jackson back on his medication and everything has quieted down. I am keenly aware of the mounting racism in this campaign- if it had been Clinton? The misogyny would have been off the walls.

Each week that goes by, I get a worse feeling in my stomach. I am starting to think a man who is a total nutcase, older than the hills and the biggest flip-flopper on issues we have ever seen in politics, can actually get elected.

My sister says she can’t vote for Obama because his middle name is “Hussein.” I love you, my seester, but I’m calling you out on that one. It is perhaps the most racist thing you’ve ever said. The man is a Christian- that bugs the shit out of me but I’ll still vote for him. The alternative is too scary.

McCain is volatile- he’s proven that over and over again. If I had better internet connection right now Id list all the times he lost it or used vulgar language with people, but I don’t so you’ll have to look it up on your own.

He can’t even say the same thing two days in a row. Sure, all politicians give lip service to the crowd in front of them but McCain seems to do it and be indignant when he’s called on it.

Oh, yeah, that’s because he’s mentally unstable.

We re-elected Ronald Reagan even though he was half gone with Alzheimer’s. Perhaps we are drawn to horribly dysfunctional people. I look at Obama and I see a married man, with a smart, capable wife, two great kids… um… what’s wrong? No drama?

I mean, what do you think Michelle Obama would do if anyone, let alone her husband, called her a cunt? That’s the woman I want in the White House as a role model to kids in this country.

Maybe as Americans, we simply like our broken people. Projects. Our current president is clearly stupid and that didn’t bother us at all. Stole an election? That’s okay; we’ll give it to you the next time.

I mean, Phil Gramm calls the entire country “whiners” and babies because of the economic slump and McCain applauds him? What happens? Is he run out of the country by the millions struggling to pay 4.50 a gallon for gas? Is he hounded by the millions losing their homes in the subprmise crisis?

Nope. He raises 22 million dollars for his campaign.

But his middle name is “Hussein?” Please, this is the one time I wished I believed in God so she could swoop down and bitch slap this whole country.

The bank of fog I’m watching roll in is a force of nature. The bank of fog covering American’s eyes about the real McCain is a mixture of too much Fox Fantasy News Channel and inexcusable ignorance.

I have a very sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. I honestly am starting to think McCain has a shot at the presidency.

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