Showing posts with label short stories. Show all posts
Showing posts with label short stories. Show all posts

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Specter Spectacular book cover unveiling

I've just seen the cover art and I think it's perfect!

Taken from World Weaver Press website:

Once you cross the grave into this world of fantasy and fright, you may find there’s no way out.
We enjoy the spooky nature of the this photo, shot with an infrared camera. Not only do the skeletal tree branches and slightly foggy tableau provide and eerie sensation, but the bridge itself encompasses the true power of the ghost tale. Ghost stories are more about the mind — what we believe, what we fear, the things we can’t possibly know about what lies beyond death — than they are about shock and gore. The bridge represents not only the act of crossing over, but that bone tingling choice we make in so many ghost stories to enter the lair of the unknown and forbidden. Taking the first step across that bridge can be as frightening as what we find on the other side.
Not only that, but if you stare long enough at the image, you can find faces — skulls, empty eye sockets, shadowy figures — all staring back at you. And the creepiest part about it? The photographer assures us that he didn’t add any faces to the original photo.

Specter Spectacular: 13 Ghostly Tales, coming September 25, 2012. Spirits, poltergeists, hauntings, creatures of the dark — Specter Spectacular: 13 Ghostly Tales delivers all these and more in thirteen spooky twists on the classic ghost story. From the heartwarming and humorous to the eerie and chilling, this anthology holds a story for everyone who has ever been thrilled by the unknown or wondered what might lie beyond the grave. Step inside and witness ghosts of the past, tales of revenge, the inhuman, the innocent, the damned, and more. But be warned — once you cross the grave into this world of fantasy and fright, you may find there’s no way out.
Featuring work by Amanda C. Davis, A. E. Decker, Larry Hodges, Sue Houghton, Andrea Janes, Terence Kuch, Robbie MacNiven, Kou K. Nelson, Jamie Rand, Shannon Robinson, Calie Voorhis, Jay Wilburn, and Kristina Wojtaszek.

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Queensland Floods

You must've seen the terrible newsreels of the Queensland Floods on TV. Horrific, and no doubt they haven't seen the worst of it yet according to the experts. Several lives have been lost already and though not on the scale of some recent disasters (I'm thinking of Haiti here), imagine the heartbreak of losing your home and possessions. Of course, it's easy to sit back and do nothing. You may think 'Oh well, Australia's a wealthy country. They'll recover just fine.' Maybe they are more equipped to deal with the disaster and maybe as we're all feeling the recession pinch we might not want to contribute cold hard cash. Well, there is another way you can help.

100 Stories for Queensland is a charity anthology to assist the victims of the floods. Stories are donated by writers from across the globe and proceeds from the sale of the book will go to the Queensland Premier's Flood Relief appeal.

The anthology will be available in digital and print form, and is expected to be ready for release late February/early March.

Details of submission guidelines can be found on the website

Friday, 5 November 2010

My Weekly

I got a sale from Maggie Seed at My Weekly yesterday. It's for a story she's been hanging on to for a while. I'd forgotten about it to tell the truth so it was a nice surprise. It'll be going in the 2012 Annual, available next October, I think. Seems a long way off but the good thing about My Weekly is that they pay on acceptance.

I do like the way MW has what they call their 'Inspiration Gem' at the end of the shorts. A simple 25 word note from the author on where the inspiration for the story came from. For some reason I always find this difficult. Probably because I want to waffle on. But anyway,this particular story was inspired by my addiction to watching TV make-over programmes. Which reminds me, I must set the Sky box to record 60 min Make-over this afternoon!

Click the link to buy from Amazon: My Weekly Annual 2011

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Thinking of the 'C' word

Hate to mention the 'C' word but the big day is closer than you'd like to think. Already I've seen cards, trees and wrapping paper in the shops and that's before the kids have gone back to school!

Any short story submissions to the womags should've been posted/emailed off in August as they work up to 3 months in advance. I sent two off yesterday because I edited them to suit the winter period and thought better to send on the off-chance than have them languish for another year on my hard-drive. I got an automated reply for one of them and a short 'Thanks for the sub' for the other so I know they arrived safely.

Talking of Christmas, while I was doing some research for my story, I came across this website Called The Literary Gift Company, they have some lovely little gifts to suit your literary friends or relatives. Love this mug. I may buy it for myself. Though maybe it should read 'Go Away I'm Writing'!